I was on my 2006 gsxr 600. I was pulling into my driveway and some lady tried to pass me on the right and smacked into me.

we were both heading north bound on my side street. I was turning right into my driveway. i was going about 5 miles per hour and went to take my turn... I even had my signals on. she must have been frustrated with me slowing down and not seen my turn signal. she accelerated to go around me on the right just as i was turning and hit me at about 15-20 miles per hour. who passes on the right of a motorcycle. the chick got a ticket and i already contacted her insurance and mine.

My bike is missing the brake lever, mirror, and bar ends. where she hit me. I was leaning to turn so the first thing to take the blunt impact was my shoulder and elbow. then the bike tipped the other way cracking off the clutch lever and hitting the bar ends. I need new pucks on the slider and I have spider web stretches on the paint by the mirror plates.

I am sore as hell and have numbness in my ring and pinky fingers. Im gonna take some advil and ice.... plus rest it up. I was wearing all my gear so i have no road rash just a few bumps and bruises.

be careful out there everyone.

for the record... jeep liberty 1 ------- Badasz and GSXR 0