What do you guys think? I have a 2007 vette and was looking to get into a 2010 Z06 when they come out. Then, while in the barber shop, i picked up a Car and Driver magazine. In it was the GTR and for which they said outperformed the vette (non-Z06) and 911 on the test track. Didn't think much of it at the time cause, from the picture in the magazine, i did not like the looks. however, on my home from work the other day and up in the distance is the rear end of a car that i have never seen before. As i pull closer and up along side, i see this thing for the first time. Tell you, i was not only impressed with the looks but also the sound of this car.

My previous car before the vette was a 2006 350z Roadster. Traded that for the vette due to performance but was originally dissatisfied with the abundance of paint chips and nicks that occured on the entire front end and hood after only 7k miles.