I rented this off of dish network. It was pretty lame. The liberal story line was so strong I was looking Al Gore's name in the credits.

This alien comes to earth to save earth from humans (because we are mistreating it- never says how). The alien's plan is to collects samples of the life on earth and then destroy humans and any evidence of their existence.

The story line is pretty contradicting. This alien, who is portrayed as too advanced to be able to explain his existence to mere humans, tells this lady that we treat earth like we treat each other and yet the whole movie is about how the alien is going to murder every human on earth because we don't live like he thinks we should; that is some real enlightenment there. Then there was the little bull$hit contradictions that just get annoying. They shut down these major thoroughfares to transport top scientist, because they are so important, to a debriefing of the situation but then put all of the scientists on the front lines with the marines when the alien lands. Of course they had to do this to establish rapport between the alien and one of the top scientist but still flimsy.

So um I wouldn't waste your money on this one.