Just read this and thought it was funny about Sosa turning to mush after stopping his juicing...really? Is that what happens? LOL

Woody - With the recent suspension of Manny Ramirez, do you think it's time we start blaming Bud Selig and the Players Association for their negligence of steroid use in MLB? They have known for years that players were using performance-enhancing drugs, but they looked the other way because records were being broken and tickets were being sold.
-- Kyle Martinez, Dallas

Kyle - I've blamed Selig, the Players Association, the players, society, myself. Don't know who else to blame. We all hid our heads in the sand.

When I was chasing Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa in their chase, I never thought for a moment about steroids. I was writing how great the event was. But, when I saw Sosa in the Cubs' clubhouse after the steroid scandal had erupted and he had used a corked bat, I stood there in Chicago and knew. His sculptured body had turned to mush.

The owners didn't want to know. They were reaping the benefits of the steroid era. The Players Association was playing CYA. And the fans and the media didn't really care, either. It was only after the information came out that we all became hypocrites. I plead guilty. So should everyone else.

As I mentioned before in a column, if someone told you could take a magic elixir, and you would be a multimillionaire and the greatest employee in the history of your industry, what would you do? And if you worked as an encyclopedia salesman and sold thousands of encyclopedias, would your company care? I know. These are pro athletes. I can tell you they are no better or worse than you are. They are just humans who looked for an edge and didn't care what they put in their bodies, and we honestly didn't ask the questions. Baseball now is skewed statistically. And you are skewed.