My brothers and I had to check my mom in to hospital last night because her o2 levels were extremly low and her doctor tried to admit her but she decided against it. We had to collectively asure her that this was in her best interest and after talking with the doctor this evening if we had not she might have not been around much longer. I lost my dad three years ago and that totally sucked and I just couldn't imagine her not being around. Her o2 levels were 44 and normal is 80-100. She was basically suffocating to death and none of us even knew not to mention she wouldn't tell us of her conditions because she doesn't have full healthcare yet and didn't want to be a burden on her sons. This just makes me feel like a peice of sh*T for not seeing that she was so ill and that she felt like she was a burden me and my bros. I just feel so pissed and upset that she wouldn't tell us because she was worried about the hospital expenses. Fuk I'd rather pay a monthly bill than to pay for another funeral!