Quote Originally Posted by gator_mclusky View Post
We can take over South America and that will be the new America. Ship them back here with Obama and live happily ever after!!!

Now, South America is very tempting......I can have my mountains and have the beach as well. But, I'm pretty sure South America is going to be one hell of a fight. You ever fight a guy all jacked up on blow? You hit him, he goes down and then pops right back up. lol Just imagine thousands of guys all jacked up on blow. Yeah, we would need a special weapon.....we would need something with a very high killing ability and a very short life span.....something that could wipe out a population and then have no signs of every existing......yeah....that's what we need. I'll start mixing some cleaning products together and try it out on the kids in the neighborhood I don't like and report back.