keep throwing stuff at the wall guys in desperation that something will stick. you can't beat him on the issues, mccain is hopelessly tied to bush and the mistakes of the GOP, and he picked an uninformed mountain momma for a running mate.

the mccain campaign is kinda like a washed up brawler trying to make a comeback against the younger, better trained, precise boxer. swinging wildly, hoping for that one punch that will keep him from face planting on the mat. but he knows it's coming, and the younger fighter is bobbing and weaving, stinging him with precise punch after precise punch.

"throw the damn towel!" LOL

how pathetic has our (yes, i am a registered republican) party become? is this the best we can come up with? what happened to our party?

believe me, i'm not thrilled a the prospect of a democratic congress, house, and executive office. BUT this is what it will take for our party to get back where it needs to be. we are being sent to the desert to do some soul searching.

i really hope we will give the religious conservatives the boot, as well as the corporate fundamentalists. although i would rather see the religious fundamentalists go first. HOPEFULLY we can get back to the true values of the republican party. that is the only good i can see coming out of this.