so i call my motgage company to see if i can roll a couple payments. kinda want to get it now, before i run into prob's. told them i'm not employed and not sure when i will be, but i believe it'd only be 2-3 weeks before i can land. broad tells me, without a job, there's nothing she can do. i got to have income. well, i got unemployment, but it's only 361 a week and the mortgage is 1856....she says, "you dont have enough income to make a payment"...."no shyt lady!!! really? i thaught i did"..."i thaught i was just calling too jerk you off becouse you had nothing better to do, and i was bored"....biotch hung up on me!

next stop....i go up the food chain!!!! i promice this AINT gonna happen. but, is there any wonder there's a forclosure prob. in this nation? how can you employ someone, in a position like this, that's obviously a complete moron!! "you dont have enough income for one payment"...NO SHYT!!!!