The post about Christmas shopping made me realize that another year has blown by. Now that we are at the end of the year, have you met your 2008 fitness goals?

I met some goals and I digressed in other ways... it's so sad. I started this year with one thing in sight. Competing in the Battle at the River and losing the weight I had gained last year. I met my goal. I may not have won, but I did compete and I did loose 30 lbs! Now it's Oct and my weight has crept back up. I'm not as heavy I was this time last year, but I've definitely gain more than I planed on. It seems to be a never ending battle. Frankly, this is territory that I've never had to cross before. I've never had a weight problem. If anything, I was a hard-gainer. Yes, I'm over 40 now and I find it hard to keep the weight off. Dang, it I LOVE carbs. It seems like my diet now is all or nothing. Staying on a precontest diet just isn't healthy, so I think my new goal is finding balance in my life. A balance between eating healthy and keeping my weight down. Balancing cardio and weight training without overtraining. It also seems like being over 40 has another draw back... my body doesn't heal as quickly as it use to. Heavy training is out for me now. I've been letting my injuries heal, so I can train smarter not heavier.

Is it just me re-evaluating my goals because I'm older or is it because another year has gone by? anyway... how did you do this year?