Last night, Barack Obama -- the most liberal Senator according to the non-partisan National Journal -- tried to hide his far-left agenda with canned, poll-tested responses.

But make no mistake about it, Obama's agenda is the most liberal of any presidential candidate ever!

Barack Obama promises to:

Pack the Supreme Court with liberal judges
Raise taxes during an economic crisis
Inflate the size of the welfare state
Impose government run health care
Stop new drilling
Far-left liberals like and the anti-drilling extremists are putting it all on the line to elect Obama President and break our firewall in the Senate. If these liberals achieve their goal, conservatives will be powerless to stop the Obama agenda.

Will you help stop the Obama agenda?

Right now, liberals are bragging that they "spent more than $9 million ... in eight states" -- over the last 10 days alone -- running ugly, misleading attack ads against our Senate candidates. Without your help, we won't have the resources to match them dollar-for-dollar.