Hispanic Dems for Mccain website! Press Release


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For Immediate Release HISPANIC DEMOCRATS FOR MCCAIN ANNOUNCEHISPANICDEMOCRATSFORMCCAINHOUSTON, TX, OCTOBER 7, 2008 – Hispanic Democrats for McCain (HDM) announced the launch of their latest grassroots resource,[uwww.HispanicDemocratsforMcCain today. Fellow volunteers across the country will be able to communicate the McCain-Palin message and to encourage Democrats to vote across party lines on November 4, 2008 using the sites tools and resources. “There is a reason why John McCain has been able to earn more than 70% of the Hispanic vote in his home state of Arizona”, said Ben Mendez, HDM organizer in Texas and lifelong Democrat. “McCain’s Hispanic supporters, both democratand republican, know he is independent, courageous, and patriotic. They also know that he is willing to go against his party and stand up for issues that are in the best interest of the community.” HDM organizer in Nevada, Fernando Romero, a Democrat and president of Hispanics in Politics which endorsed Richardson in the caucus, added, “The Hispanic vote will make the difference in several battleground states. Therefore, it is necessary that we inform our community that McCain has shown leadership onissues that are of importance to Hispanics, such as the economy, immigration, national security, and healthcare.” The site includes links for contacting Hispanic Democrats for McCain coordinators and for volunteering to join the thousands of Democrats that are already members of Team McCain-Palin. Hispanic Democrats for McCain is a grassroots organization dedicated to country first, Party second. Contact: Mary Jean Duran, Hispanic Democrats for McCainPhone: 949-433-2015Email: [email]MaryJean@HispanicDemocratsforMcCain.