John McCain goes back to Washington, where his leadership is needed. Barack Obama: who cares where he goes?"

John McCain is going back to Washington to work for the American people. John McCain is capable of community organization where it counts: amongst his peers in the Senate.

John McCain can reach across the aisle and work with the Democrats. We know that; we’ve seen it happen.

Obama’s Senate record (such as it is) shows a 96% left-sided voting record–the most liberal voting record of any Senator in Washington–he seldom crosses party lines on important votes, and will seldom cross his own party’s political interests. Can anyone show me a list of votes or instances where Barack Obama crossed a major cultural constituency of the Party of the Left?

Show me where BHO has bucked Howard Dean when it mattered? Where BHO has reached across the aisle and worked with Republicans, and voted against his own party, angering the Democrat leadership? Where BHO does anything except pander to identity politics–the political engine of the leftists?

Barack Obama is capable of one thing: rehashing old, failed leftist policies. There’s nothing new coming from him. He’s useless in a crisis.

Barack Obama may see this economic crisis fitting right into his plans. We’ll need a Messiah to save us, right?

An economic collapse? Perfect. That’ll suit Barack Obama just fine.
Remember, he’s the Messiah, The One; if there’s a crisis needing a
Messiah, just in time! for the election, well, that’s just a means to
an end in in Barack’s Alinsky Narrative First world-view.

Obama is a tool shaped by Saul Alinsky. BHO learned that the first rule of the “community organizer” is to deny the truth, and lie if necessary to advance that socialist agenda. To use surrogates to advance that agenda, while maintaining a suitable distance for deniability. To achieve the goal, a socialistic society, the means used to achieve that goal are to use whatever is necessary; whatever it takes to achieve that end result.

‘Community Organizer’, my ass. Obama is a sock puppet for Alisnky, for the leftists. He can’t organize his peers in the Senate, no, but he can organize poor dumb ****s in the projects, by promising more and more giveaways, now can’t he?

No, it’s best that Barack Obama stays from Washington, since we need to get an important job done. No one will miss him much; his votes are a given. It’d be like old times: he’s invisible, and without a teleprompter, BHO is not much more than a talking telephone pole.

At worst, he’ll undercut whatever proposals emerge that might help save our economy…if said proposals or ideas slow his chances of achieving the presidency.

John McCain: working across the aisle to strike a deal that will save the economy; showing leadership and experience.

Barack Obama: working with his far-left agenda to achieve his liberal goals, no matter what the price to the country.

The man showing more true leadership? You tell me.