why, u ask, cause right now the media is doing what i've been doing here for the last 4 months, just standing up every day pretty calm, non-chalant, and saying "dude, illogical propaganda", now, it was a pain some days, jeeze some of it was soooooooooooo dummmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbb, u wonder who thinks this stuff up, lol, anyways, bottom line is u just gotta do ur thing, why u ask

cause alot more than folks admit read this stuff, don't post much and read

the only way too fight propaganda is to do it consistently until sentiment shifts, we know it shifts when..............IF YOU CAN GET PEOPLE TO ASK THEM THE RIGHT QUESTION YOU WIN

everyone has there own question, yet, after years of this garbage people can smell the insincere garbarge and if that is what they want, that is what they will get, if not, they vote obie

so, imho, this is my last post, out of all of u who read this, i've pointed out the propaganda lies longer enough and hard enough, with enough consistency that you folks are now aksing yourselfs good questions

i wish you all luck