Rev. Wright Reappears" - (MSNBC) --> Wright is back, and surprise, surprise, he's playing the race card!!!!


Wright was in Houston and was preaching in Houston:

This ordinary boy just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania, legally

Whoa boy.

Not only did he play the "black woman, legally" card, he also played the "boy" card.

Think Wright's looking to get a little payback for being thrown under the bus? Why the sudden resurfacing now?


On a related note, you'll see that this is an MSNBC article. The title of the article is "REV. WRIGHT REAPPEARS, STRIKES CONCILIATORY TONE."

That is a laugh. Wright is not conciliatory in the least.

This is an attempt by Obama-tanked MSNBC to try to 'get out in front of' the Wright resurfacing and 'frame' it before people start jumping on the quotes like those I excerpted here.

Spread the word: G_d Damn America is back! And just in time to help sink Obama.