There was this 80 year old woman named Bea. She lived in this old victorian house. One day her pastor from her church comes by since he hadn't seen her in a while and wanted to see how she was doing. He knocked on the door and when she answered she was delighted to see him. She asked him to come in and join her for afternoon tea, and seated him in the parlour. As Bea was getting the tea ready, the pastor looked around the parlour. There were many antiques and crystal things everywhere. But on top of the old foot pedal organ, there was a crystal bowl filled with water and an unused condom in it. This struck him as very odd, but he came to the conclusion not to say anything about it to her.
So as they were having tea the curiosity was just killing him, so he asked her. "Bea, I know this is none of my business, but what is with that, ummm, special ornament on top of the organ?"
"Well, it's the funniest thing" she says. "I was walking along the sidewalk last year and I found this package and there were instructions on it and I followed them. It said, 'Open. Place on organ. Keep wet. Will protect you from disease.' And you know what? I haven't had a cold all winter!"