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    Thread: Bush's Resignation Speech

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      Default Bush's Resignation Speech

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      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      I mean this in no way other than it's an interesting read. It is not a
      political plug, one way or another.


      The following 'speech' was written recently by an ordinary Maineiac [a
      resident of the People's Republic of Maine].

      While satirical in nature, all satire must have a basis in fact to be

      This is an excellent piece by a person who does not write for a living.

      The speech George W. Bush might give:

      Normally, I start these things out by saying 'My Fellow Americans.' Not
      doing it this time. If the polls are any indication, I don't know who more
      than half of you are anymore. I do know something terrible has happened, and
      that you're really not fellow Americans any longer.

      I'll cut right to the chase here: I quit. Now before anyone gets all in a
      lather about me quitting to avoid impeachment, or to avoid prosecution or
      something, let me assure you: There's been no breaking of laws or
      impeachable offenses in this office.

      The reason I'm quitting is simple. I'm fed up with you people. I'm fed up
      because you have no understanding of what's really going on in the world. Or
      of what's going on in this once-great nation of ours. And the majority of
      you are too ****ed lazy to do your homework and figure it out.

      Let's start local. You've been sold a bill of goods by politicians and the
      news media. Polls show that the majority of you think the economy is in the
      tank. And that's despite record numbers of homeowners, including record
      numbers of MINORITY homeowners. And while we're mentioning minorities, I'll
      point out that minority business ownership is at an all-time high. Our
      unemployment rate is as low as it ever was during the Clinton
      administration. I've mentioned all those things before, but it doesn't seem
      to have sunk in.

      Despite the shock to our economy of 9/11, the stock market has rebounded to
      record levels and more Americans than ever are participating in these
      markets. Meanwhile, all you can do is whine about gas prices, and most of
      you are too dang stupid to realize that gas prices are high because there's
      increased demand in other parts of the world, and because a small handful of
      noisy idiots are more worried about polar bears and beachfront property than
      your economic security.

      We face real threats in the world. Don't give me this 'blood for oil' thing.
      If I were trading blood for oil I would've already seized Iraq's oil fields
      and let the rest of the country go to hell. And don't give me this 'Bush
      Lied; People Died' crap either. If I were the liar you morons take me for, I
      could've easily had chemical weapons planted in Iraq so they could be
      'discovered.' Instead, I owned up to the fact that the intelligence was

      Let me remind you that the rest of the world thought Saddam had the goods,
      same as me. Let me also remind you that regime change in Iraq was official
      US policy before I came into office. Some guy named 'Clinton' established
      that policy. Bet you didn't know that, did you? Now some of you morons are
      considering another and more evil Clinton for president !!!! Go figure that
      one!! She wants to take your kids away and let the 'Whole Village' raise
      them! i.e. governmental indoctrination .. Look this one up you idiots.

      The rest of you morons want to be led by a junior senator with no
      understanding of foreign policy or economics, and this nitwit says we should
      attack Pakistan, a nucular ally. And then he wants to go to Iran and make
      peace with a terrorist who says he's going to destroy us. While he's doing
      that, he wants to give Iraq to al Qaeda, Afghanistan to the Taliban, Israel
      to the Palestinians, and your money to the IRS so the government can give
      welfare to illegal aliens, who he will make into citizens, so they can vote
      to reelect him. He also thinks it's okay for Iran to have nucular weapons,
      and we should stop our foreign aid to Israel. Did you sleep through high

      You people need to understand that we face a unique enemy. Back during the
      cold war, there were two major competing political and economic models
      squaring off. We won that war, but we did so because fundamentally, the
      Communists wanted to survive, just as we do. We were simply able to out
      spend and out-tech them.

      That's not the case this time. The soldiers of our new enemy don't care if
      they survive. In fact, they want to die. That'd be fine, as long as they
      weren't also committed to taking as many of you with them as they can. But
      they are. They want to kill you, and they are all over the globe.

      You should be grateful that they haven't gotten any more of us here in the
      United State s since September 11. But you're not. That's because you've got
      no idea how hard a small number of intelligence, military, law enforcement,
      and homeland security people have worked to make sure of that. When this
      whole mess started, I warned you that this would be a long and difficult
      fight. I'm disappointed how many of you people think a long and difficult
      fight amounts to a single season of 'Survivor.'

      Instead, you've grown impatient. You're incapable of seeing things through
      the long lens of history, the way our enemies do. You think that wars should
      last a few months, a few years, tops.

      Making matters worse, you actively support those who help the enemy. Every
      time you buy the New York Times, every time you send a donation to a
      cut-and-run Democrat's political campaign, well, dang it, you might just as
      well FedEx a grenade launcher to a Jihadist. It amounts to the same thing.

      In this day and age, it's easy enough to find the truth. It's all over the
      Internet. It just isn't on the pages of the New York Times, USA Today, or on
      NBC News. But even if it were, I doubt you'd be any smarter. Most of you
      would rather watch American Idol or Dancing with Stars.

      I could say more about your expectations that the government will always be
      there to bail you out, even if you're too stupid to leave a city that's
      below sea level and has a hurricane approaching.

      I could say more about your insane belief that government, not your own
      wallet, is where the money comes from. But I've come to the conclusion that
      were I to do so, it would sail right over your heads.

      So I quit. I'm going back to Crawford. I've got an energy-efficient house
      down there (Al Gore could only dream) and the capability to be fully
      self-sufficient for years. No one ever heard of Crawford before I got
      elected, and as soon as I'm done here pretty much no one will ever hear of
      it again. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to die of old age before the last
      pillars of America fall.

      Oh, and by the way, Cheney's quitting too. That means Pelosi is your new
      President. You asked for it. Watch what she does carefully, because I still
      have a glimmer of hope that there are just enough of you remaining who are
      smart enough to turn this thing around in 2008.

      So that's it. God bless what's left of America.

      Some of you know what I mean. The rest of you, kiss off.

      PS - You might want to start learning Farsi, and buy a Koran.
      Push it, Pull it, Rack it. Repeat untill wide!!

      Take nothing I say as serious, What do I know, I sell water!!


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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      i didnt even have to read it..knowing the writer is from my homestate is sufficient enough for me.....lol

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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      its unfortunate that kucinich put in all this time trying to impeach ol georgy boy and the ***** pelosi is blocking it every chance she gets....but god forbid someone gets a blowjob in office...congress can eat my azz...

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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      uh clinton was impeached
      (candidates@google:ron paul )

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by straydoglogic View Post
      dont get me wrong...i think he's a terrible manager and un-able to pick a winning team, but exactly what lie are you referring to? your not talking about weapons of mass destruction are you?...i meen, clearly, many foriegn governments THAUGHT they (the weapons) were there also...he (saddam) WANTED the whole world to believe he had them still!!!


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      MYTH: Removing Saddam Hussein from power would eliminate a key backer of the Al Qaeda terrorist networks responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

      RESPONSE: Just four days after the September 11th attacks, the Wall St. Journal analyzed Iraqi involvement in an article titled "U.S. Officials Discount Any Role by Iraq in Terrorist Attacks: Secularist Saddam Hussein and Suspect bin Laden Have Divergent Goals." The article linked Hussein with supporting the families of suicide bombers in Israel, but strongly doubted any linkage to Al Qaeda.
      None of the hijackers came from Iraq; 15 of the hijackers came from the same country as Osama Bin Laden: Saudi Arabia.

      Attempts to link Iraq to 9/11 or to bin Laden have failed. In April 2002 there was an announcement of a meeting between a 9/11 hijacker and an Iraqi that supposedly occurred in Prague. In October 2002 the New York Times quoted Czech officials who doubted that such a meeting occurred. In August, 2002, on a mission to Japan to gain support for an attack on Iraq, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage refused to link Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. Armitage noted that al Qaeda members were in Kurdish controlled areas in Iraq, outside the reach of Saddam Hussein's government.

      The latest claimed link -—through Ansar al-Islam —-lacks evidence. The founder of Ansar disputes any tie to Iraq or al Qaeda; Iraq denies supporting Ansar; and Rohan Gunaratna, a terrorism expert and author of Inside al Qaeda links Ansar with Iran. A recent New York Times report from the front between the Kurds and Ansar al-Islam details evidence linking al Ansar with al Qaeda; the report, however, mentions only ties to Iran, not Iraq. Finally, such a link is unlikely for ideological reasons: Ansar is a Taliban-style fundamentalist group; Saddam Hussein is a secularist (see Myth #5).

      The CIA and the FBI remain skeptical of a link between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, despite continued political pressure to find one, according to a front page article in the NY Times on Feb. 2, 2003.

      MYTH: Secretary of State Colin Powell provided a "careful and powerful presentation of the facts. The information in the Secretary's briefing ... was obtained through great skill, and often at personal risk. Uncovering secret information in a totalitarian society is one of the most difficult intelligence challenges. The Iraqi regime's violations [are] in direct defiance of Security Council 1441." -- President Bush, Press Briefing, February 6, 2003.

      RESPONSE: Many of Powell's assertions were quickly refuted. For example, Powell said, "By 1998, UN experts agreed that the Iraqis had perfected drying techniques for their biological weapons programs." Actually, the UN's 1/99 report on this matter said only that Iraq had performed drying experiments prior to the Gulf War, in 1989 -- not that it had perfected them.
      A journalist for The Observer toured Ansar al-Islam’s alleged chemical weapons factory and found it to be a bakery with outhouses. Powell's claims that ricin found in Britain came from Iraq were rejected by European intelligence agencies, who said it was crude and “homemade” in Europe.

      Even more appalling was the revelation in the British press about the one of the key documents Powell used in his UN speech, the "dossier" on terrorism prepared by the staff of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Powell praised the document as a "fine paper." However, much of it was plagiarized from source material written before the current round of inspections, primarily from a published article written by Ibrahim al-Marashi, a graduate student in California. The al-Marashi article, published nearly a year ago, relied on sources that were as much as 12 years old. This is a far cry from the "James Bond 007" penetration of Iraq's secrets alluded to by Bush.

      MYTH: Saddam Hussein cannot be contained. To prevent a repeat of the situation with **** Germany, we must act immediately and preemptively before he acquires weapons with which to threaten us.

      "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud." -- Condoleeza Rice, Sept. 8, 2002.

      Iraq's programs to create weapons of mass destruction "are real and present dangers to the region and to the world." -- Colin Powell, speech to the UN, Feb. 5, 2002.

      RESPONSE: The comparison to **** Germany is a bit of a stretch. Germany, by 1938, was number one in military spending, and had recovered from the Great Depression well before the other leading nations. It formed a real military alliance -- the Axis -- with two other powerful industrial nations, Italy and Japan.
      By contrast, Iraq's military capability was largely destroyed in the 1991 Gulf War, and the "Axis of Evil" that Iraq is supposedly part of (Iran-Iraq-N. Korea) does not really exist as an alliance. In fact, Iran and Iraq fought each other in a 9-year war from 1980-1989.

      The $399 billion US military budget proposed at the end of January 2003 is almost 300 times the size of Iraq's!

      The US government released press statements in December that it is "investigating" whether Iraq received 'weaponized' smallpox from a Russian scientist in 1990. But these claims are widely disputed. Even if they were true, a U.S bioweapons expert said that it would not be possible to start a national epidemic by releasing such a strain.

      Last October, CIA Director George Tenet said that Iraq was unlikely to use chemical or biological weapons unless it was attacked. After Powell's speech, a group of retired CIA officials re-emphasized Tenet's letter. They also warned that "an invasion of Iraq would ensure overflowing recruitment centers for terrorists into the indefinite future."

      MYTH: A discovery on Feb. 12 by UN weapons inspectors revealed, for the first time, that Iraq possessed missiles, the Al-Samoud and Al-Fatah, with a range exceeding the limits imposed by the 1991 UN Resolution 687.

      RESPONSE: Though the Feb. 12 UN finding made the headlines, it was not really new; it was based on information volunteered by Iraq back in December.
      According to the 2/13/03 NY Times and numerous other sources, "The inspectors learned of the range of the missiles from test results that were provided in the 12,000-page arms declaration Iraq delivered at the start of the inspections." Colin Powell had also mentioned the missiles on 2/5/03 in his United Nations speech.

      The missiles in question are short range models that, all sides agree, can travel less than half of the distance from the western tip of Iraq to the eastern tip of Israel. By comparison, the CIA reported on the same day that North Korea's Taepo Dong 2 missile should be able to travel 50 to 100 times as far -- though as of yet this new missile has not been tested.

      UN Weapons Inspector Hans Blix reported the results of missile tests at the UN on 2/27/03. He reported that in a test firing of 40 missiles, 27 of the missiles landed within the legal distance of 150 km.

      Iraq has argued that, fully loaded with guidance systems and warheads, an even higher percentage of the missiles would land within the permitted range. According to NPR, part of this claim by Iraq is false, as the missiles are already usable with one of two guidance systems. However, Iraq has, at last word, gone along with demands to destroy the Al Samoud missile.

      MYTH: Bin Laden's recent tape proves that Bush's accusations of an Osama bin Laden - Saddam Hussein collusion have been right all along.

      RESPONSE: According to the transcript of the 16-min. Al Jazeera tape, bin Laden called Hussein a "Muslim apostate," i.e., a turncoat against Islam. Bin Laden has long called for the secular Baathist Party in Baghdad to be replaced with an Islamic fundamentalist, cleric-led government. The new words were intended to rally support for radical Islam in the Muslim world, including factions within Iraq that are more anti-US than Saddam Hussein.
      According to Gen. Hamid Gul, the former chief of Pakistan's spy agency InterServices Intelligence, bin Laden and Saddam cannot work closely together because "Bin Laden and his men considered Saddam the killer of hundreds of Islamic militants," a reference to Saddam's attacks against domestic political rivals, including Kurds and Shiites.

      It is true that Saddam Hussein has expressed support for suicide bombings against Israel, and that the bin Laden tape refers to the suicide operations “that cause so much harm” in the U.S. and Israel. However, the existence of such terrorism is quite independent of Hussein. Many terrorism experts believe that "al Qaeda may eventually transform itself into a 'leaderless resistance' movement" that could have hundreds of cells.

      German government spokesman Thomas Steg found no evidence in the tapes of “an axis or close link” between Baghdad and al Qaeda. Similar doubts were voiced by Sen. John McCain, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and others. See Myth #1

      MYTH: "The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program. Saddam Hussein has held numerous meetings with Iraqi nuclear scientists, a group he calls his 'nuclear mujahedeen' -- his nuclear holy warriors." - George Bush, televised speech, October 7, 2002 in Cincinnati (1)

      Dr. Khidhir Hamza, from 1987 to 1994, served as the head of Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons program" (2) and has said that "Iraq runs its nuclear program under the very nose of the international community."(3) -- Quotes by Larry Elder, Worldnetdaily.com, and Hamza

      RESPONSE: Saddam did refer to a nuclear energy program in a speech he made on 9/10/00. According to the Rangwala memo cited earlier, Bush is taking advantage of a mistranslation of this speech that left out the word 'energy,' among other problems.
      Although it would make sense to also forbid nuclear energy programs in Iraq, the U.S. and the U.N. have not called for that. There is no credible evidence that Saddam Hussein's scientists are now working on nuclear weapons, even though Hussein has wanted them in the past.

      In his Jan. 27 report to the UN Security Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director Mohamed ElBaradei concluded, "we have to date found no evidence that Iraq has revived its nuclear weapons programme since the elimination of the programme in the 1990s. .... we should be able within the next few months to provide credible assurance that Iraq has no nuclear weapons programme."(4)

      In an article for the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Dr. Khidhir A. A. Hamza states that he was "for a brief period in 1987--director of weaponization" of Iraq's nuclear weapons program (5) Hamza also states, in his book "Saddam's Bombmaker" and in his 'Curriculum Vitae', that he was not employed in the Iraqi nuclear weapons program after 1989. He left Iraq in 1994. So it is clear that he has no personal knowledge of the status of the Iraqi nuclear program after 1994, and the extent of his personal knowledge after 1989 is open to question.(6)(7) Other Iraqi defectors with more knowledge than Hamza have disputed his claims.(8)(9)

      The written IAEA report version said "By the end of 1992, we had largely destroyed, removed or rendered harmless all Iraqi facilities and equipment relevant to nuclear weapons production... By December 1998... we were confident that we had not missed any significant component of Iraq’s nuclear programme."(4)

      MYTH: "If the United States marches 200,000 troops into the region and then marches them back out . . . the credibility of American power . . . will be gravely, perhaps irreparably impaired." -- Henry Kissinger, quoted in NY Times, Feb. 15, 2003.

      RESPONSE: Top US officials have repeatedly stated they want to avoid war in recent weeks:
      "I will tell my friend Silvio [President of Italy] that the use of military troops is my last choice, not my first." -- President Bush, quoted in White House News Release, January 30, 2003.

      "We still hope that force may not be necessary to disarm Saddam Hussein... Let me be clear: no one wants war." - Donald Rumsfeld, In Munich, Germany, Feb. 8, 2003.

      The U.S. position is that "Force should always be a last resort." -- Colin Powell, response to weapons inspection head Mohamed El Baradei, February 14, 2003.

      If the U.S. can disarm Saddam without war -- the administration's stated objective -- how is our credibility hurt? Even French President Chirac, a critic of war, has credited the presence of U.S. troops with increasing Iraqi compliance.

      Kissinger and top Bush administration officials are not satisfied with this progress. However these individuals have conflicts of interest. They have strong ties with companies that produce weapons, drill oil, and build military bases.

      The President's father, and his 2000 recount advisor James Baker, are, respectively, 'Asian Advisor' and Partner of Carlyle Group. According to Fortune magazine, Carlyle makes much of its profits by buying smaller "defense" companies, assisting them in winning huge taxpayer-funded contracts, and then selling them at a large profit. Dick Cheney's wife, until January 2001, was on the board of Lockheed, and 8 other administration officials had Lockheed ties before they were appointed. Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz were involved in a think-tank advocating for "global military dominance" that is funded by family foundations whose fortunes came from military contracting and whose founders included a Lockheed executive. These ties must be taken into account when evaluating the legitimacy of 'fears' about a peaceful outcome of the Iraq crisis.

      MYTH: War in Iraq will involve 150,000-200,000 troops and only cost $50 billion -- less than it did in 1991.

      RESPONSE: Bush's former economic advisor Laurence Lindsey estimated to the Wall Street Journal last summer that the war would cost $100-$200 Billion. A veteran ABC News reporter revealed on 1/13/03 that the actual deployment planned was 350,000 troops.
      One reason the proposed war would cost so much more than the Gulf War is that the administration plans to occupy Baghdad, a city of 5 million people. Another is that other countries have declined to pay the costs of the war as they did in 1991; instead, the U.S. is planning to pay Turkey $30 billion for its cooperation.

      As Colin Powell wrote in Foreign Affairs in 1992, "The Gulf War was a limited-objective war. If it had not been, we would be ruling Baghdad today at unpardonable expense in terms of money, lives lost and ruined regional relationships.”

      Credible estimates of cost of a "short" Iraq war start at $120 billion. This is on top of a 2003 military budget that is already expanded dramatically. The numbers tell the story: the military budget in 2001 was $304 billion after 9/11 expenses were added. The military budget in 2003 is already $407 including homeland security and military construction. Adding the cost of the war, it could reach $527 billion or more. The cost of the increase from 2001-3 comes out to $2000 for every family in the U.S.

      The administration is planning larger military budget increases in 2004, and is also contemplating additional wars. The Bush administration does not seem concerned with the fact that their own budget projections two years ago anticipated a surplus of $262 billion in 2004, but their projections now anticipate a 2004 deficit of over $307 billion.

      MYTH: Freedom of the Press in the U.S. exists even in times of war. The U.S. news media has been extremely skeptical of the official stories put out by the government, in order to uphold the truth.

      RESPONSE: The last 20 years have seen a trend towards "management" of the press by the government: restricted access press pools, fabricated stories, fake letters to the editor, and even violence against U.S. war reporters.
      According to the Winter 2002 Navy War College Review, citing the book America's Team: Media and the Military, the military had assigned reporters to a pool to cover the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989, but the Defense Secretary at the time, Dick Cheney, "delayed calling out the pool."

      During the 1991 Gulf War, according to Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist Patrick J. Sloyan, "The Associated Press, which benefited most from a system that turned all journalists into wire service reporters, sent photographer Scott Applewhite to cover victims of a Scud missile attack near Dahran. The warhead had hit an American tent, killing 25 army reservists and wounding 70... Applewhite, an accredited pool member, was stopped by US Army military police. When he objected, they punched and handcuffed him while ripping the film from his cameras."

      Dick Cheney, quoted in America's Team, was honest after the the Gulf War about his treatment of the media. "Frankly, I looked on it as a problem to be managed," he said after the war. "The information function was extraordinarily important. I did not have a lot of confidence that I could leave that to the press."

      The most famous Gulf War media fiasco occurred right here at home. Employees of the large PR firm Hill & Knowlton arranged for a speech to be made by a 15-year-old girl, "Nayirah," to an unofficial "Congressional Human Rights" group in October 1990. Her so-called eyewitness story about Iraqi soldiers removing babies from hospital incubators was publicized by the entire news media and even by Amnesty International. But Nayirah was actually the daughter of Kuwait’s Am****ador to the United States; the other eyewitness recanted his story, and other eyewitnesses have said that the story was fabricated. Amnesty was forced to issue a rare retraction.

      MYTH: "We can give the Iraqi people their chance to live in freedom and choose their own Government." -- President Bush, Feb. 6, 2003 press statement.

      "Iraq's oil and other natural resources belong to all the Iraqi people - and the United States will respect this fact." -- Stephen Hadley, US Deputy National Security Advisor, Feb. 11, 2003.

      RESPONSE: The U.S. government has made statements elsewhere asserting that we will control both Iraq's government and its oil, for quite some time.
      Excerpt from the Oil and Gas International, an Industry Trade Publication, 1/27/03: "France and Russia have been warned they must support the US military invasion and occupation of Iraq if they want access to Iraqi oilfields in a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq."

      Excerpt from the Globe and Mail, quoting US Congressional Testimony on 2/12/03: "The United States intends to rule postwar Iraq through an American military governor, supported by an Iraqi consultative council appointed by Washington, Iraqi opposition leaders gathered in this northern Kurdish city said yesterday. 'While we are listening to what the Iraqis are telling us, the United States government will make its decisions based on what is in the national interest of the United States,' said Mark Grossman." Grossman, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, was testifying to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

      A recent policy paper by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace concluded that "The increasingly popular idea in Washington that the United States, by toppling Saddam Hussein, can rapidly democratize Iraq and unleash a democratic tsunami in the Middle East is a dangerous fantasy."

      MYTH: War will reduce energy prices and make the U.S. more independent, because oil from Iraq would reduce the current U.S. dependence on Saudi Arabian oil (and prevent the Saudis from pushing us around).

      RESPONSE: It is true if someone handed us unfettered control of all Iraq's oil, Saudi Arabia would have less influence than it does now as the lead oil exporter in the world.
      But acquiring that control through war has enormous costs, and these costs have to be factored in to assess the true cost of energy.

      The Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent research organization in Colorado, points out: "Since 1970, oil imports have been responsible for nearly 75 percent of the U.S. trade deficit and have resulted in a net outflow of $1 trillion to the OPEC nations - much of which is respent on armaments... the peacetime readiness cost of U.S. military forces earmarked for Persian Gulf intervention is around $50 billion a year, raising the effective cost of Gulf oil to around $100 per barrel." This was before the post-9/11 buildup (see myth #8).

      If the government charged the oil companies a larger portion of the taxpayer cost of obtaining the oil, and subsidized a massive switch to use of off-the-shelf renewable energy sources, it would be possible to gain energy independence, and reduce sales of weapons to what is a very unstable region.

      RMI also points out that "increasing fuel efficiency from 20 mpg to 23 mpg would eliminate the need for our [pre-1991 level] oil imports from Iraq and Kuwait. Increasing it to 33 mpg would eliminate the need for ALL Persian Gulf oil." Comparable reductions could also be achieved through a combination of technologies, including wind, solar, and energy efficiency. Technology is not a barrier.

      One of the costs of stationing so many troops in the Gulf is that the U.S. has fewer resources with which to defend the U.S. in the case of an actual attack on the mainland U.S.

      MYTH: "The course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others" -- George Bush, State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003.

      "[UN Resolution] 1441 gives us the authority to move without any second resolution." -- George Bush, Press Conference with Tony Blair, January 31, 2003.

      RESPONSE: First of all, we should not forget that when the U.S. was achieving independence from Britain, we did not do it alone. France helped!
      In the wake of World War II, the US took a leading role in establishing the UN to prevent future world wars. The recent unilateral position of the Bush administration runs counter to decades of US policy, the language in resolution 1441, and international law. To ignore the usefulness of the United Nations at this time would strengthen the hand of those who want global war, including anti-U.S. terrorist groups.

      As President Bush himself said during one of the 2000 presidential debates, "If we are an arrogant nation, they will resent us, If we're a humble nation, but strong, they'll welcome us." He went on to add, It's important to be friends with people when you don't need each other so that when you do, there's a strong bond of friendship. And that's going to be particularly important in dealing not only with situations such as now occurring in Israel, but with Saddam Hussein." Cooperation with other nations is especially vital for fighting terrorism.

      The text of 1441 concludes, “[The Security Council] Decides to remain seized of the matter,” meaning that it retains jurisdiction, and has not given anyone else the power to act. The US Senate ratified US agreement to the UN Charter by a vote 89 to 2 on July 28, 1945. Under Article 2 of the Charter, the use of military force is prohibited without explicit authorization (under Article 42). Even threatening use of force -- as the US is currently doing to Iraq -- violates the language of Article 2.

      MYTH: "'Anti-war' protesters ... are giving, at the very least, comfort to Saddam Hussein." Therefore they can be accused of committing treason according to the Constitution. -- NY Sun Editorial, February 7, 2003

      RESPONSE: Since the American Revolution, democracies have steadily replaced dictatorships, in part because open debate produces a more responsive and accountable government. Punishing dissenters is the hallmark of totalitarianism; it throws away one of democracy’s greatest strengths.
      After John McCain -- the Senator from Arizona -- was released from captivity as a POW in Vietnam, he was asked, "How did it feel when you heard Americans were protesting the war?" He said, "I thought that's what we were fighting for -- the right to protest."

      It is true that courts have not always fully supported free speech in the face of government attempts to curtail our rights. But in 1964, thanks to Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement, the US Supreme Court issued a landmark decision on the matter. They ruled that the New York Times could not be sued for an ad critical of the actions of Montgomery, Alabama police against civil rights protesters. According to one account, the court "made explicit the principle that seditious libel -- criticism of government -- cannot be made a crime in America and spoke in this connection of `the central meaning of the First Amendment.'"

      The Sun's editors also missed the fact that Osama bin Laden's terrorist group attacked New York, and that this group wants to end the rule of Saddam Hussein. By calling for the overthrow of Hussein, the Sun is actually supporting the position of the terrorists who attacked Manhattan.

      1. Bush: "We went into Russia, we said, 'Here's some IMF money,' and it ended up in Viktor Chernomyrdin's pocket and others."

      Fact: "Bush appears to have tangled up whispers about possible wrongdoing by Chernomyrdin -- who co-chaired a commission with Gore on U.S.-Russian relations -- with other unrelated allegations concerning the diversion of International Monetary Fund money. While there has been speculation that Chernomyrdin profited from his relationship with Gazprom, a big Russian energy concern, there have been no allegations that he stole IMF money." Washingon Post, 10/12/00

      2. Bush: "We got one [a hate crime law] in Texas, and guess what? The three men who murdered James Byrd, guess what's going to happen to them? They're going to be put to death ... It's going to be hard to punish them any worse after they get put to death....We're happy with our laws on our books."

      Fact: "The three were convicted under Texas' capital murder statute...The state has a hate crime statute, but it is vague." LA Times, 10/12/00.
      "The original Texas hate-crimes bill, signed into law by Democrat Ann Richards, boosted penalties for crimes motivated by bigotry. As Gore correctly noted, Bush maneuvered to make sure a new hate-crimes law related to the Byrd killing did not make it to his desk. The new bill would have included homosexuals among the groups covered, which would have been anathema to social conservatives in the state." Washington Post, 10/12/00

      3. Bush: bragged that in Texas he was signing up children for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) as "fast as any other state."

      Fact: "As governor he fought to unsuccessfully to limit access to the program. He would have limited its coverage to children with family incomes up to 150 percent of the poverty level, though federal law permitted up to 200 percent. The practical effect of Bush's efforts would have been to exclude 200,000 of the 500,000 possible enrollees." Washington Post, 10/12/00

      4. Bush: "He [Gore] is for registration of guns."

      Fact: "Gore actually favors licensing for new handgun purchasers but nothing as vast as registering all guns." Salon, 10/12/00

      5. Bush: Said he found Gore's tendency to exaggerate "an issue in trying to defend my tax relief package. There was some exaggeration about the numbers" in the first debate.

      Fact: "No, there wasn't, and Bush himself acknowledged that the next day on ABC's Good Morning America when Charlie Gibson pinned him on it." Salon, 10/12/00

      6. Bush: "I felt during his debate with Senator [Bill] Bradley saying he [Gore] authored the EITC [earned-income tax credit] when it didn't happen."

      Fact: "Actually, Gore had claimed to have authored an 'expansion of the earned-income tax credit,' which he did in 1991." Salon, 10/12/00

      7. Fact: Gore noted that Texas "ranks 49th out of the 50 states in healthcare in children with healthcare, 49th for women with healthcare and 50th for families with healthcare"

      Bush: "You can quote all the numbers you want but I'm telling you we care about our people in Texas. We spent a lot of money to make sure people get healthcare in the state of Texas."

      8. Fact: Gore said, "I'm no expert on the Texas procedures, but what my friends there tell me is that the governor opposed a measure put forward by Democrats in the Legislature to expand the number of children that would be covered ... And instead [he] directed the money toward a tax cut, a significant part of which went to wealthy interests."

      Bush: "If he's trying to allege I'm a hardhearted person and don't care about children, he's absolutely wrong."

      9. Bush: "The three men who murdered James Byrd, guess what's going to happen to them? They'll be put to death. A jury found them guilty."

      Fact: Two of the three are being put to death. The other was given life. Bush Watch, 10/12/00

      10. Bush: said he favored "equal" rights for gays and lesbians, but not "special" rights.

      Fact: "Bush has supported a Texas law that allows the state to take adopted children from gay and lesbian couples to place the kids with straight couples." Salon, 10/12/00.
      "Bush supports hate crime protections for other minorities! So Bush doesn't believe that gays should have the same 'special' rights in this regard as blacks, Jews, Wiccans and others. Employment discrimination? Again, Bush supports those rights for other Americans, but not gays. Military service? Bush again supports the right to military service for all qualified people--as long as they don't tell anyone they're gay. Marriage? How on earth is that a special right when every heterosexual in America already has it? But again, Bush thinks it should be out-of-bounds for gays. What else is there? The right to privacy? Nuh-huh. Bush supports a gays-only sodomy law in his own state that criminalizes consensual sex in private between two homosexuals." New Republic, 10/13/00

      11. Bush. "We ought to do everything we can to end racial profiling."

      Fact: The Texas Department of Public Safety has just this year begun keeping detailed information about the race and sex of all people stopped by its troopers, the sixth year Bush has been in office. Salon, 10/12/00

      12. Bush got caught not giving the full story on Texas air pollution laws. He was correct in saying the 1999 utility deregulation bill he signed into law had mandatory emissions standards.

      Fact: "What was missing, as Gore's campaign pointed out, was that many more non-utility industrial plants are not mandated to reduce air quality. The issue is an important one because Texas ranks near the bottom in air-quality standards. Bush instead approved a voluntary program allowing grandfathered oil, coal, and other industrial plants to cut down on pollution." Boston Globe, 10/12/00

      13. Bush: About the Balkans, "I think it ought to be one of our priorities to work with our European friends to convince them to put troops on the ground."

      Fact: "European forces already make up a large majority of the peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and Kosovo." Washington Post, 10/12/00

      14. Bush: "One of the problems we have in the military is we're in a lot of places around the world" and cited Haiti as an example.

      Fact: "Though approximately 20,000 U.S. troops went to Haiti in 1994, as of late August this year, there were only 109 U.S. troops in Haiti and most were rotating through as part of an exercise." Washington Post, 10/12/00

      15. Bush: "I don't think we ought to be selling guns to people who shouldn't have them. That's why I support instant background checks at gun shows. One of the reasons we have an instant background check is so that we instantly know whether or not someone should have a gun or not."

      Fact: "Bush overstates the effectiveness of instant background checks for people trying to buy guns ... The Los Angeles Times reported on Oct. 3 that during Bush's term as governor, Texas granted licenses for carrying concealed guns to hundreds of people with criminal records and histories of drug problems, violence or psychological disorders." Washington Post, 10/12/00
      "He didn't mention that Texas failed to perform full background checks on 407 people who had prior criminal convictions but were granted concealed handgun licenses under a law he signed in 1995. Of those, 71 had convictions that should have excluded them from having a concealed gun permit, the Texas Department of Public Safety acknowledged." AP, 10/12/00

      16. Bush:"Said the number of Texans without health insurance had declined while the number in the United States had risen."

      Fact: " A new Census Bureau report says the number of uninsured Americans declined last year for the first time since statistics were kept in 1987. About 42.5 million people, or 15.5 percent of the population, lacked insurance in 1999, compared with 44.2 million, or 16.3 percent, in 1998, the agency reported. Texas ranked next-to-last in the nation last year with 23.3 percent of its residents uninsured. But that was an improvement from 1998, when it ranked 50th at 24.5 percent." AP, 10/12/00

      17. Bush: "Some of the scientists, I believe, Mr. Vice President, haven't they been changing their opinion a little bit on global warming?"

      Fact: "Bush's dismissive comments about global warming could bolster the charge that he and fellow oilman Dick Cheney are in the pocket of the oil industry, which likewise pooh-poohs the issue. [While] there is no consensus about the impact of global warming, ... most scientists agree that humans are contributing to the rising global temperature. 'Most climate experts are certain that global warming is real and that it threatens ecology and human prosperity, and a growing number say it is well under way,' wrote New York Times science writer Andrew Revkin." Salon, 10/13/00

      18. Bush: When Jim Lehrer asked Bush if he approved of the U.S. intervention in Lebanon during the Reagan years, Bush answered a quick "yes" and moved on.

      Fact: "Lebanon was a disaster in the history of American foreign affairs. Next to Iran-Contra, it was the Reagan administration's greatest overseas fiasco. Quoting from the Encyclopedia of the American Presidency: '[In 1983] Reagan stumbled into a disastrous intervention in the Middle East when he sent U.S. Marines into Lebanon on an ill-defined mission as part of an international peacekeeping force.' In December, according to Reagan biographer Edmund Morris, 'two days before Christmas, a Pentagon commission of inquiry into the Beirut barracks bombing humiliated [Secretary of State] Shultz [who had backed the intervention], and embarrassed Reagan, by concluding that the dead Marines had been victims of a myopic Middle Eastern policy.'" tompaine.com, 10/11/00

      19. Bush: "I thought the president made the right decision in joining NATO and bombing Serbia. I supported him when they did so."

      Fact: The bombing of Serbia began on March 24, 1999, and Bush did not express even measured support until April 8, 1999 -- nearly two weeks later. Prior to April 8, 1999, every comment by Bush about the bombing was non-committal. Finally, he offered a measured endorsement: "It's important for the United States to be slow to engage the military, but once the military is engaged, it must be engaged with one thing in mind, and that is victory," he said after being pressed by reporters. A Houston Chronicle story documented the Governor's statements on the crisis and reported that "Bush has been widely criticized for being slow to adopt a position on Kosovo and then for making vague statements on the subject." Houston Chronicle, 4/9/99

      20. Bush: Discussing International Loans: "And there's some pretty egregious examples recently, one being Russia where we had IMF loans that ended up in the pockets of a lot of powerful people and didn't help the nation."

      Fact: Bush's own vice presidential candidate, Dick Cheney, lobbied for U.S.-backed loan to Russia that helped his own company. "Halliburton Co. lobbied for and received $ 292 million in loan guarantees to develop one of the world's largest oil fields in Russia. Cheney said: 'This is exactly the type of project we should be encouraging if Russia is to succeed in reforming its economy ... We at Halliburton appreciate the support of the Export-Import Bank and look forward to beginning work on this important project.." PR Newswire 4/6/2000.
      The State Department, armed with a CIA report detailing corruption by Halliburton's Russian partner, invoked a seldom-used prerogative and ordered suspension of the loan. The loan guarantee "ran counter to America's 'national interest," the State Department ruled. New Republic, 8/7/00

      21. Bush "There's a lot of talk about trigger locks being on guns sold in the future. I support that."

      Fact: When asked in 1999, if he was in support of mandatory safety locks, Bush said, " No, I'm not, I'm for voluntary safety locks on guns." In March of 2000, Bush said he would not push for trigger lock legislation, but would sign it if it passed [Washington Post, 3/3/00;ABC, Good Morning America, 5/10/99]. When Bush was asked, "when two bills were introduced in the Texas legislature to require the sale of child safety locks with newly purchased handguns, and you never addressed the issue with the legislature, and both bills died. If you support it, why did that happen?" Bush said, "Because those bills had no votes in committee." When asked again if he supported the bills, Bush said, "I wasn't even aware of those bills because they never even got out of committee." NBC, Today Show, 5/12/00

      22. Bush: "Africa is important and we've got to do a lot of work in Africa to promote democracy and trade." Fact "While Africa may be important, it doesn't fit into the national strategic interests, as far as I can see them," Bush said earlier. When he was asked for his vision of the U.S. national interests, he named every continent except Africa. According to Time magazine, "[Bush] focused exclusively on big ticket issues ... Huge chunks of the globe -- Africa and Latin America, for example -- were not addressed at all." Time, 12/6/99; PBS News Hour, 2/16/00; Toronto Star, 2/16/00

      23. Bush: "There's only been one governor ever elected to back-to-back four year terms and that was me."

      Fact: The governors who served two consecutive four-year terms (meeting Bush's statement criteria are): Coke R. Stevenson (2 consecutive 4-year terms) August 4, 1941-January 21, 1947. Allan Shivers (2 consecutive four-year terms) July 11, 1949-January 15, 1957. Price Daniel (2 consecutive four-year terms) January 15, 1957-January 15, 1963. John Connally (2 consecutive four-year terms) January 15, 1963-January 21, 1969. Dolph Briscoe (2 consecutive four-year terms) January 16, 1973-January 16, 1979. George W. Bush (2 consecutive four-year terms) January 17, 1995 to present. Source: Texas State Libraries and Archives Commission.

      24. Bush: "We spend $4.7 billion a year on the uninsured in the state of Texas."

      Fact: The state of Texas came up with less than $1B for this purpose. $3.5 came from local governments, private providers, and charities, $198M from the federal government, and just less than $1B from Texas state agencies. Source: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.


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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      certainly THAT fat white female!!


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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      but nothing i listed above?

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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by straydoglogic View Post
      but nothing i listed above?
      dude....the chick was FAT!!!!! no! nothing you listed above is anywhere near as bad as the international embarresment brought upon our great nation!....a fat chick!! dam, rednecks wont even brake for fat chicks...i've seen the bumper stickers...i know!


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      Default Re: Bush's Resignation Speech

      Quote Originally Posted by straydoglogic View Post
      but nothing i listed above?

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      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      • Bush's Resignation Speech
      The most powerful man in the world bangin a fat skank is an absolute atrocity! I bet she let out a cootch fart on the cigar too!

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