Barack Obama’s big-money donors are being offered premier seats to his acceptance speech at Invesco Field at Mile High, according to information obtained by The Denver Post.

Top fundraisers for the “Obama Victory Fund” were offered club-level seats through the end of Monday for $1,000 apiece. Also, the biggest donors to the Democratic National Convention’s host committee and select VIPs are getting ultra-plush suites at Invesco.

The Obama campaign and its partners at the Democratic National Convention Committee have 8,300 club-level seats. If all were purchased, it could mean a cash infusion of $8.3 million.

We all remember when Obama flip-flopped on his decision to accept public financing and his eloquent words said that day:

From the very beginning of this campaign, I have asked my supporters to avoid that kind of unregulated activity and join us in building a new kind of politics — and you have. I’m asking you to try to do something that’s never been done before. Declare our independence from a broken system, and run the type of campaign that reflects the grassroots values that have already changed our politics and brought us this far.

Now we all know what kind of grassroots values he was talking about. Ed Morrissey:

This massive attempt to cash in on his acceptance speech not only goes against everything he supposedly represented in the primaries, it stems from that singular betrayal on reform in June. Without that, he wouldn’t need the cash, and Obama could have appeared to be an agent of change. Instead, he now looks like someone who’s going after every last bit of cash he can find, and from anyone willing to cough it up. Obama has become the Sell-out In Chief in 60 short days.

I suppose all that time spent with Rezko didn’t go to waste huh?