Or shall I say reintroduction.
We sponcered FG at least 3 maybe 4 years ago.

But we are glad to be back. We never officially went away and popped in from time to time. We mostly had our business on auto pilot serving our customer base we had currently built on referal basis.

What we do?
We offer mostly staple products in semi bulk form.
Our top seller is and always has been BCAA's.
Secondly is Glutamine Peptides. We have new inventories of these two every 30-45 days.
We have special deals for those bargain hunters of a few of our products. You can buy 5 Kilos at a time at reduced rates.

We are truly selective in where we obtain our raw material, and this took a couple years of some trial and error. We are even selective on a batch to batch basis especially with our BCAA's. We carry what a couple companies call 'instantized' BCAA's even though this nomenclature is not accurate not in the way it is with Whey instantized protein. What they simply are is non granulated. So if you have used BCAA's that just seems to suck in usability they we're probably granulated (made for encapsulation).

BCAAs in pure form never taste good and never mix like instantized Whey and never will in the foreseeable future. But there are tricks to enhancing solubility and masking taste. Our MyoHydro does a great job at this, as does citric or malic acid or any beverage containing either.

Our L-Glutamine is made by Daesang (Miwon) Korea. And if you ever thought Glutamine was Glutamine you are wrong. Now we have had some good batches of Chinese Glutamine in the past, but found them to be inconsistent batch to batch. After refusing a few batches of Chinese Glutamine from our supplier a couple years ago we opted for paying the extra for the Daesang brand since batches were consistent time and time again. While it costs the same for 20Kg of Daesang Glutamine as it did for 25Kg of the Chinese Glutamine it's worth the extra money.

Our Glutamine Peptides are made within the U.S. and we move a lot of it. While it doesn't have the exact same absense of taste and high solubility of it's L form counterpart even the most diehard anti Glutamine advocates will admit Glutamine peptides have superior assimilation properties. I see benefits to both and I personally use both.

We have a very good Fortified EAA blend with the highest Leucine and Histidine ratios on the market. We didn't cut corners with this one. We kept the ratios where they should be and didn't slack on the expensive individual Aminos (Isoleucine, Hisitidine, Leucine) and didn't use the cheaper Aminos as 'fluff' (such as Threonine, Lysine)

MyoHydro is our newest custom blend and I've been tweaking the formula for a year. It's relatively cheap and highly effective. You can read much more on it here> MyoHydro Thread

Our Hepadetox is another custom blend that I believe is one of the most potent liver detox products on the market. We've even had remarketable results with liver transplant patients using it.

Brian Octane is a Piracetam/ALPHA GPC based brian formula that I enjoy using myself. To me it acts like a very mild Provigil (modifinal).

We also have a wide array of individual Amino Acids, Raspberry Ketones in bulk and capsules. We also sell a lot of Bulk Vitamin B5 in Powder and Capsules form (B5 from Japan). Bulk Glucosamine, Flexicose, among other items.

Most of our products are formulated for results with higher doses than you will typicially find. While we are planning to dabble in some flavored products such as our BCAA's Right now we have pure, raw BCAA"s powder with no fillers, flavors, bulking or anti caking agents of any sort. So if you are a newbie, or you are looking for tasty versus beneficial function then you might go with Xtend, or ICE. But for the hardcore that wants unadulterated raw powders we have them.

Again I urge you to take advantage of our bulk powder deals and stock up for the New Year. I don't like to sound pitchy and we don't intend to use hype in marketing, I am human and do get excited at times. The MYoHydro is a good relatively inexpsive product that I think should go in every supplement regimen. I encourage you to give it a whirl.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and glad to be on board for 2008!!