Please note the site: is the canadian govt's official website to inform their beloved fellow citizens how long they will have to wait to have procedures performed in their "exemplary" healthcare system. This is what you will get with the dems in the white house (i.e. socialized medicine):

In Ontario province:

total hip replacement---------- 218 days

Brain, spine cancer surgery---- 61 days

total knee replacement-------- 297 days

MRI (presumably non-emergency)---- 111 days

CT scan (as above)----------- 58 days

heart bypass ----------------- 57 days

Angioplasty------------------- 13 days

breast cancer surgery -------- 38 days

radiation therapy for cancer--- 1 month after being "ready to treat"

If our system is "broken" as the dems scream....please, give my the adjective to describe this travesty to the north of our border...