Tonight I finally came to the conclusion that I am madly in love with the infamous shot girl. I saw her again and everything seemed to brighten up. The way she walks, talks, looks and even little things like when she flicks her hair back is mesmorizing to me. I am struggling with the fact that if I don't pass this drug test I can't treat her the way I WANT TO. No picking her up in a 2004 Explorer, no $500 dates, no Dom P. waiting at home and no ice for her neck or hands. This fucking sucks. One fucking day and it can ruin me. Fuck this, I almost beat the shit out of two guys who kept bugging her. One guy had a fake suit on and the other had was a scumbag. Fuck those assholes. I almost hit some girl in the face beacuse I push the door going out so hard. I really don't know what to do. Maybe I should forget her and be satisfied with a lowly life.