Hey I was wondering if anyone gets the "Anabolic Almanac" and their thoughts on some of the stuff that he writes?

In the June issue he writes about Equipoise and how he rates it a ten out of a ten and talks about how it really doesn't aromatize and the says that their aren't too many side effects with boldenone(equi).

Then in July, a guy writes in and says he's taking 400 mg a week and he responds to him" To be honest bro, it sucks for two reasons. One, Boldenone is a horse steroid and since your're not a hourse, I would not advise this.
Truth be told, Boldenone is one of the more dangerous steriods and reports of premature deaths(especially for non-bodybuilding endourance athletes like cyclists) due to heart problems have been linked to Boldenone use."
He goes on to say that it will blunt your hypothalamic/pitutary/testicular axis(like a big dog) especilly after 16 weeks.
..and he closes with"..stay away from boldenone unless your name is Secretariat!"

If you get this or read it I'm curious to what you think of his writings.... i have only seen two issues...
