Ok gang,

I've had enough of the Chris Benoit stories and all his so called friends and co-workers in the wrestling leagues coming out of the wood works (i.e. no name wrestlers) and blaming steroids for what happened. To top that off, I'm tired of hearing stuff from everyone on campus, friends and family because they have caught the news on TV. The news networks are working on their hot story and just because Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears hasn’t been in jail or rehab lately (um .. the last ten days or so). I don't understand why the media, as being liberal as they are, can find an excuse for why he did what he did. Not to mention the use AS and then put the blame on "roid rage" as an excuse. But when Fox has been more critical than CNN what gives? Come on, the guy had issues and to top it off his family life was full of problems. So all the prescription drugs had nothing to do with his mental instability?

I love how our senators and representatives will combat illegal steroid use in professional sports (to a lesser degree college sports) and not look at all the idiots who have a real time TV shows…(you guys/gals know who they are on MTV..VH1)…. so where is that clause Mr./Mrs. Senator in the legislation? You guys and gals can’t (not you but them) even decide on if you can spend money on the military because you are worried what you continuants think or will vote on the next election. Piss poor in MHOP.

This is truly sad, both for the American public and fans of wrestling. I’m sure this will be a main topic on Geraldo Rivera (I wish I had a real job) media and find fault where no fault lies until the medical results come in... Geraldo was the first to jump on the Anna Nichole story as he has with all of his reports (remember his quotes…)_. IF anyone should have taken a bullet to save an American’s life in Iraq…. He should have with his half ass reporting skills. Well we are all to blame when we have to put up with journalists who report the docu-drama that we all have to hear every day…I think we are past the 60’s guys…..the media needs more educated and open minded journalists out there (sorry for those who do a good job… and hats off to you!).

But for those of us who have lost good friends, sisters, and brothers where do we vent or show our appreciation? … My friend, Shaun, who is one of the best pilots I knew, dies filling a canteen for a child to take home to his parents in Irag is wrong ,he is not dignified because our congress will not step up(and agree what should be and what shouldn’t in a time of war…come on!) , then what will we expect if we leave the country.( Sorry Shaun’s mom and dad…it just didn’t happen cause we didn’t’ have the money to train your son properly). And, The 3600+ men and women who have sacrificed their lives mean little or nothing. Sorry, but the 4th of July parades don’t’ do it for their families. Just because your neighbor, son or daughter decides on their on will to fight for this country and help others doesn’t mean you should disrespect them. . Stepping up is something that us Americans do but little of us know how to ….

What I’d like to hear is those who have given their best or their lives in defense of our country. I think we should have a rep page for all those who have done there best and have given their lives. Democracy or Republic doesn’t come for free. Don’t let our generation be like the ones before us and let the ones who sacrificed, who gave so much, get little or no recognition or become the generation of the ….


Frogman…. I’d like to know your thoughts, rep me if you agree