WOW! this has been some interesting reading and i have come to an easy conclusion on all this, djdiggler has done lots of research to back his claims and has formed an oppinion of the situation in iraq without allowing whatever the government says to grossly misguide him in forming his opinion.
horsepwr on the other hand seems to believe whatever the republican party tells him he should beleive.
come-on now, do you really think that settling a score his father had with hussein was any kind of reason to start a war and invade a country? that is absolutely absurd to even think that!
if we were so correct in invading iraq this tiem around why didnt anyone else in the world other than great britain support us, and look what happened to the prime minister there! he was forced to step down because of his wrongful support of a war that should not have ever been started in the first place.
concerning the attack on 9/11, it happened because america got way to complacent with their security and the al queda saw this and saw how vulnerable our country really was at the time.
the reason why there havent been any successful attacks on american soil after 9/11 is not because of our presence in iraq but because of our renewed awareness on security in this country.
our presence in iraq hasnt stopped terrorism in the slightest and if you think it did then just ask anyone who lives in britain about it!!!!!!
one other question i have is why did bush feel the need to put a democratic government in place in iraq when NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE MIDDLE EAST HAS A DEMOCRATIC FORM OF GOVERNMENT!!!! that whole area of the world is led by dictatorships or familys and not by democratic government. it has only weakened iraq to have a government like ours that can never agree with each other enough to get anything good done for the country.
oh and one other thing, when the rich guy stated that he felt he didnt pay enough taxes i think considering 16% of his huge income is much less draining on him that 25% of someones income that is only in the $30,000-50,000 range. rich people make the most money and have the most control over what happens in this country so they should pay the highest percentage of taxes and not the lowest!!!!