Well, I know this for a fact, the last 4 months have been the coldest with the most snow that Colorado has seen in over 50 years. So, trust me, it's finding ways to balance out, because it's super cold here right now. Kinda like it's doing in Greenland, the outer ice is melting and as part of natures cycle it's carrying that moisture inland and making the inner ice thicker. So, all the water you phukers on the coast are loosing due to evaporation, is getting dumped on my ass. Of course, it helps our ecomony, the ski season started one month sooner than normal and we've had so much snow that most resorts never even brought out the snow makers this year. The good and bad of it I guess.

But, as far as the China thing, that doesn't surprise me at all. And, one nuke wont change much, just like the two atomic bombs over Japan didn't change the worlds climate either. There would have to be a lot, and I mean a lot, of nukes to cause a world wide nuclear winter. The worst part about nukes though, is the fact the land is unlivable for so many decades due to the radiation.