There a small snow storm.

its 4AM and the guy pass the snowblower!

everytime there snow he will pass it
at 3Am, 4AM.


pass snowblower @

3:30 AM

then 6

then 10

then 1

then 4

then 8

wtf his problems he doesnt know what to do of his retirement or what!!!!!

since a couple of years it is going on now. Can I sleep NOOOOOOO
I only hear the engine and the vroooooooooooooooooooooooom of his @)&@)&@)&@ snowblower!

dont mind me if you leaving for work, there 1 metre of snow and you need to pass THAT OK!
but when you retired, its a SUNDAY and 4AM and you pass, thanx for the respects to your normal folks around you