The beginning of October I transferred a $2,500 balance from one regular card to my bank credit card because it has 0% interest. Now I noticed recently that the bank payed off that regular card days after the tranfer, but it took over a month to post on my bank card. regular card should be at a $0 balance right? Now I get the bill in the mail and they credited me $2,500, so did my bank pay them twice? Because I do remember checking that card and the balance was at $0 at one time because the bank did pay them off, but now I have this crazy credit. What the hell should I do? Besides spending the hell out of it lol. Cause Im afraid I'll buy for example these rims I want for my Vette, Im afraid of getting screwed, they might figure out the problem down the road and then take that balance back and add on the new balance for the rims.