Well, I went yesterday and they took out the superficial stitches. That wasn't exactly the most pleasurable sensation, that's for sure. Then, the doc takes off the original butterfly bandages (the ones that hold the would closed) and I almost lost it. There was a section of the suture that didn't close and I could see my phukin insides. I was like 'what the hell' and he says 'oh, it's no big deal'. I said 'doc, I can see my insides and you are saying it's no big deal?'. He assured me it wasn't a problem and put on all new butterfly bandages and pulled it back together. My wife said I turned ghost white when I saw it and she thought I was about to pass out. LOL

I don't mind seeign that stuff on TV, but when it's my insides, damn, that's just not something I was prepared for. So now, I'm all paranoid about infection. The doc said not to worry. We've been changing the bandages every two days and so there's no way anything has been able to even get to it.

I have permission to take a shower now, finally. My wife has been giving me spounge baths. Yes, that may sound nice, but it gets cold as hell while waiting to be completed. My wife did offer to get a naughty nurse outfit for the sponge bath so I'm considering that. LOL

Anyways, things are getting better, slowly. Two more weeks of crutches and then I can walk with the boot on. So, that's what I'm looking forward to.