well i know 2 guys who competed in the bodyrock and one em of got his diet from a chemist MRXXXX from ISS researchand he dropped from 230 to 195 lbs in 4 weeks without aas(still looks like 230) but dense as a feather, sicko veins, ..and i met up with em on sunday(since mrxxxx is staying wt my boy till next week for his next show to become a pro) and i paid MR XXXX $125.00 for a 4 weeks diet(food wise and not aas) and he promised me with the way i look , i will sliced wt veins all i ended up buying a scale last nite and 50 0z of fish A DAY and so forth..when i saw the diet, i was like foock, goona be suffering ...... and he told me to get off any of aas if i was taking any and stick wt diet for 4 weeks and no fat burner and nothing.....
gonna give it a try and i started today....
and even though got some dnp (my last resort).....