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  • I got my girl fired from her job today.
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    Thread: I got my girl fired from her job today.

    1. #1
      Drenten's Avatar
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      Unhappy I got my girl fired from her job today.

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      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.

      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      I’m the boss where I work so I came in early today to get a few things done and to send everybody else home due to the blizzard.

      When I left work I called my girl to tell her I was on my way home. There was no answer, so I called her cell phone and found out that she had gone to work. She has a one-hour commute, so I wasn’t very happy about her going out in a blizzard risking her life for no good reason. I especially didn’t want her to go out since her all-wheel-drive car is in the shop and she’s driving a piece of crap rental car right now.

      I went to her workplace and told to get her shit together because I was taking her home. This is when her boss said to me that he couldn’t have her leave because he needed her there. My response was to tell him that there was a blizzard outside with near whiteout conditions and the longer she stays here the less likely she was to get home safely. He responded by saying that he was sorry but he needed her there and by the time she leaves tonight the roads would probably be fine.

      “The roads would PROBABLY be fine”…I was fuckin’ heated!

      I turned to her and she started to say that it was fine and that she would stay. I cut her off and said with an extremely agitated tone in my voice, “get your shit together and get your ass in the car”. (I have never and I mean NEVER talked to her like that before – she is a very strong-minded independent woman that would never put up with being talked to like that.) Without a word and with an almost frightened look on her face she got her things together and went out to the car.

      I turned back to her boss and said that I was taking her home right now. He said if she leaves now then she shouldn’t bother coming back tomorrow or at all. I said fine and told him to send her last check in the mail.

      I am fortunate enough to make a very good living and have told her on many occasions (especially when she was *****ing about work) that she didn’t have to work if she didn’t want to.

      On the drive home neither of us said much of anything to each other. I know when she’s mad and she definitely doesn’t seem mad, but she has been sitting on the couch in the sunroom staring off into space for the last three hours.

      Now I feel like an asshole and I don’t even know what to say to her.

      Do you guys/girls think that I was wrong?

    2. #2
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      you should of asked her first what she wanted to do bro, i understand your point on the matter but i am sure she is pissed and maby scared ,like you said you have never talked to her that way before i would ask her very soon if i were you to talk about it and see what she is feeling on the matter let her explain her side then explain yours to her imo you need to talk to her about this asap

    3. #3
      Aragorn's Avatar
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      Honestly...it should've been her decision. The situation could've been handled differently I think. If you were worried about her coming home you could've waited for her especially if you figured she might get snowed in at work...you could've made it a date

      I don't know what she does but sometimes people need to be at work no matter what...and yes I've been through some major snow storms...in Alaska and in Winnipeg so I'm no stranger to them.


    4. #4
      pudgy's Avatar
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      you werent wrong bro , just overzealous. the point is not that you can afford to have her quit , its the fact that she has her own money her own responsibility, her own identity seperate from you and her combined. she *****es about her job to vent to you not to get permission to quit. men are problem solvers and we always want to fix things , sometimes we should just listen. no matter how hard it is to do nothing sometimes its best. but i would have done the same thing in a bad weather situation if my gfs boss was a prick like yours is.

    5. #5
      Auriflex's Avatar
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      If I were you, I would have waited and tried to follow one another home - or given her a ride and left her car there.

      Killing the boss is always a good solution too.

      Don't worry about what you did, now concentrate on what you can do. If need be - talk with the boss yourself in a reasonable manner. Talk to your girl, get the convo going....

    6. #6
      Sachet's Avatar
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      You could break the ice by telling her she means the world to you.
      And you don't know what you would have done if something had happened to her if she tried to drive home during the storm.

      Just explain that you know you didn't handle it the best way and should have thought it out more before making demands..

      Joke around by saying you should have taken one sleeping bag over & you both could have snuggled in her office overnight.. :p

      You could try reasoning with her boss..

      You're never to big to grovel.. I always say

    7. #7
      Auriflex's Avatar
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      Did I mention the killing part? Oh yea, nevermind then.

    8. #8
      newgirl's Avatar
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      Okay -- I have read all the replies from the guys here -- and you are all right on the money.

      This is a really complicated issue. While even the most independent woman (such as myself) at times, needs a man to save the damsel in distress...there is something very hard about that concept.

      I agree with all here -- that you had every right to be concerned, however she should have made that judgment call. I know my husband would have insisted but he knows how loyal I am -- he would have actually hung out at my office until I was ready to go.

      I think that the boss was a total prick -- and I never use that word.....I am sure he realizes this was more of a pissing testosterone match than anything else...I am sure if you called him and talked about it = and parralled if it was his wife -- he would most likely understand and perhaps re-cant his ultimateum.

      I am sure your girl is glad you did it, but did not wish to be fired...she liked you taking care of her -- but not in this instance I suppose.

      Male bosses are very territorial of the women they employ...especially if they are a valued team member. My boss is a wonderful man, has told me if I ever left the firm and him, it would be worse than losing his wife...and he meant it. He would love nothing better than for me to have nothing in my life -- no kids, no husband nor hobbies of my own.....he can be selfish that way - but he also knows that I am very happy in my life, and becuase I am, it makes me happy to be at work and do my job better.

      But they are territorial...you need to talk to your girl and ask her if the three of you ... you, she and her boss -- should talk ti out together...and see if out of the emotional statement, some ammends could be made.

      Even if you have plenty of money to take care of her, she needs to have her own work, her own money and her own feeling of being productive....

      However, good for you for being so noble to protect her. This is a tough situation - and as far as I am concerned, there was not going to be a right answer.

    9. #9
      x|Fluid|x's Avatar
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      I like Sachets answer..give her boss a phone call, apologize, and explain how worried you were..maybe he'll give her job back..
      x|Fluid|x is presenting REAL opinions and DOES encourage and condone the use of steroids or other illegal/legal substances that may be used in an illegal manner.


      Minister of Controlled Substances for the KINGDOM of KANADA.

    10. #10
      bigjim33's Avatar
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      all good answers....take it to heart and work on the solution

    11. #11
      DaRooster's Avatar
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      She'll be fine.

    12. #12
      bowbow's Avatar
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      No offense to you bro, but I think you were wrong.
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

    13. #13
      SEXYBEAST's Avatar
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      Sounds like the first symptoms of roid-rage! May I suggest some counseling and estrogen enhancers.......

    14. #14
      god smacked's Avatar
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      Hey, I look at it this way. Businesses tell you they want you to come into work no matter what. Ok but what happens when you get into an accident or worse, injured on your way into/home from work? Do they pay for repairs or give you a raise to cover the rising cost of insurance? HELL NO. so to hell with corporate america!!!!!!!!!!!
      In NJ it's a thousand dollar fine for driving in a state of emergency!

      I say you did the right thing, just went about it all wrong.
      My pain is caused by my pleasure!

    15. #15
      ElCid's Avatar
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      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.

      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      • I got my girl fired from her job today.
      I think Sachet and Newgirl hit it on the head. Ya, you probably should have asked her first before demanding that she leave. I also think there is a lot of groveling that needs to be done on your part tonight, but in a good way. Take the advice of explaining yourself in such a way that she understands that she means the world to you. I don't really have a lot of faith in her boss giving her her job back after a conversation with him. But, I think you should do it out of respect to her. It will show her you are man enough to help solve a problem pretty much of your doing, and it will let her save some face with her boss. She is probably pretty embarassed, especially if she respected her boss.

      All in all your were definately right in worry about her, but in hindsight, which is always 20/20, you should have gone about things a little differant. But what's done is done, now you just have to make the best out of it.

      Just my 2.

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