Quote Originally Posted by DIRTY_SOUTH
You said ceiling light fixture, not ceiling fan....So what type of fixture was it??? If it was a high pressure sodium fixture or flourescent you could have touched the starting capacitors, which will hold a charge even if the light is off.
I dont mean to hijack but this reminds me of a funny story lol
We are on our way to walgreens to develop some film(some of you know where this is going already)and I am in the passenger seat. My wife is driving and I decide to take the disposable camera apart. All of the sudden I screamed like an 8 year old girl and my wife nearly wrecked the car. I apparently grabbed the capacitor that was charged for a flash and it gave me the worst shock I have even recieved(and I have been tased before)!!!
All you could smell was burnt flesh. So don't do that. LOL

I believe you can touch the hot wire on your light if you are not grounded and are not touching any other wires at the same time, maybe the wire was hot and it got you when you touched the housing that grounded you. Hell if I know dont listen to me I almost died from a damn camera