So yesterday, I took the day off work and my wife took 3 of our 4 to her mother's house. So, I spent the day with my 3 year old son. He is on a Lego kick lately, so I played Legos with him all day. At one point in the day, I put one of the little guys heads in my nose to make him laugh. Then, he did the same. Pretty funny, right?

Well, about 7a.m. this morning, my wife runs into the room with him in her arms, he's screaming, she yells "we have to take Nate to the emergency room!" So I jump up, scared shitless and say "what happened?" She says, he got a lego stuck up his nose. I'm thinking, "oh shit, it's my fault."

So, i throw on some clothes, we get in the car, she drives. I'm in the back with him. Finally, I get him to blow it out and it flew out.

Should I tell her I tought him that? You have no idea how scared I was!

Now I know why the box says ages 8+