As requested by NATE!

Let's see, Four Brothers... I think I was doomed from the start to hate this movie because I couldn't get past the fact that of the 4 brothers, 2 are black, 2 are white, and none are actually related yet they all come together to find out who killed their moms (who isn't really their real moms).

Marky Mark and his funky bunch are supposed to be "the 4 worst kids moms ever had", but Marky comes off like the one white kid at the black school who's trying to act black. After a while, I found myself cringing every time he started speaking. The good news is that Andre Benjamin can act, who knew? I think Dre is officially the first rapper-turned-actor that I want to see more of on the screen.

But I didn't buy any of the rest of the characters, and there are just so many silly parts of this movie that I couldn't really get into it. Adding icy streets to a car chase just made the chase boring. And the inevitable shootout at the end was heavy on the ammo and short on anything exciting. If you like action movies, and you've already seen the better offerings of late in this genre (Hostage, Batman Begins, everything else), it might be worth a rental...

46 says 3/10.