I was just at the gym and Cutler was there. I have never seen him there in person yet. I guess he works out on a different schedule, and he likes to use a couple different Gold's in the area. Anyway, he is a FREAK! One guy I was talking to in there is 6'-2" at 255 and told Jay he feels like a baleamic (spelling?) next to him...lol. Jay is HUGE and I'm not joking. In real person he is much bigger than you'd think. He stepped on the scale when I was near it but I didn't want to bother him and ask what he weighed. I'd guess close to 300 though. I heard one bodybuilder girl talking to him and I heard him say 295 but not sure if he was talking about his weight or not. I would guess over 300. His leg workout was killer. I was in there for one hour and he was there already when I got there; the dude still wasn't done when I was leaving. He did every leg workout you can name. Front squats ass to the ground with 315 for sets, and it didn't look too hard for him.