We have a "Levi's Call" whenever a kid is kidnapped. When a Levi's Call is issued, a bulletin goes out to all news medias and police stations over a certain distance reporting the make/model of the suspected kidnappers car.

Well, A local radio station was supplying the make/model and Levi's call information to it's listener and one of the listener's called in saying "I think I am behing the kidnapper. What is the info again?" So the radio station kept the listener on the line (LIVE) and called 911. Twice the 911 call was "dropped" and when they finally got through to someone the operator - the Operator didn't know about the kidnapping situation! After 5-10 minutes they finally determined the listener was behind the wrong car.

Anyways, the radio station has been going on and on about botched 911 calls (this happens a lot in atlanta) - so they opened the lines and police officers were saying they get calls all the time to get kids out of bed for school - yadda yadda - DUMB complaints that hold up the 911 lines.

The most classic one was (this was played live on the radio) A lady in California who was at a Burger King Drive through - the people working at Burger King kept making her Burger wrong and she refused to leave until they made it right. Since they told her to leave, she called 911 and wanted an office to go down to Burger King and MAKE them make her the RIGHT burger.