Well I'm off to my favorite store. Let's see if I can get in and out of there with out getting into a fight this time. Now just so you get the picture of my Walmart, it is the #1 in sales in the nation. So it's very busy and crowded on weekends. NOT GOOD cause I don't like crowds and the tren don't help any. Well last Sat. when me and the girl were grocery shopping some dude in front of me just stops & leaves his cart sitting in the middle of the main walkway and goes down an aisle to find whatever. Major traffic jam starts happening people start getting pissed at this guy and his cart sitting there. Well I guess he looked back at some point and realized what he had caused and comes storming back to his cart all pissed off like we all had done wrong. Well he goes to grab his cart and in his pissy mood while yanking it backwards to take into the aisle with hits my cart.

BAD MISTAKE, I grabbed his cart and just flipped down the aisle and told him to lose the attitude or I'll put the cart up his ass next. He didn't say a word but oh how bad I wanted him to! Needless to say my fiance wasn't to happy with me!