Comes Now, John Paul Lilly, being first duly sworn upon his oath, and deposes and states as follows:
1. That I am a licenced counselor at Sierra Counseling Associates Inc.
2. That I have been treating Makenna Marvin in weekly outpatient psychotherapy since april 2002.
3. That I am concerned abou Makenna's emotional and psycholigical well-being regarding her current visitaion with her biological father Ben Marvin.
4. That at the beginning of Makennas treatment she was demostrating symptomatic behavior with a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder.
5. Makenna had marked anxiety and spontaneously verbalized that she feels very afraid when she visits her father. She verbalized to me that her father, Ben, "touches my privates".
6. Makenna was very clear that she had placed a personal boundary against that behavior, and that her wishes were violated. She had congruent affect attending her disclosure and it came in an appropriate part of her therapy suggesting that she was telling the truth. She also indicated that she does not feel safe now that she has told what happened at her fathers house.
7. Another incident that concerns me regarding her visistaion with her father was his refusing to physically return her to her step-father following a visit. This kind of poor judgement is damaging to Makenna, and exacerbates her anxiety.
8. It is my clinical opion that Makenna has been sexually abused by her biological father and that visits to his home need to be stayed immediatly for her emotional and psycholical well being.
9. Makenna is very vulnerable at her fathers home and she is terrified that he will sexually abuse her again. She is doing well in therapy and should remain in therapy until her trauma is resolved.

Bros this took me a long time to copy down it kills me inside makes me angry an sick at the same time I think I will lose my mind if she has to see him this weekend I dont know what to do. This was not even looked at by the commisioner in depth nor was visitation stopped only ordered to be supervised but by anyone he wanted and subsequently he slept in bed with her in his underwear bathed her and took her to the park. How fucked is that.

Well I appreciate the help i have recieved and if anyone ever needs anything from me I am at your service cause you help is my last stand so to speak and without it I think i would do something crazy cause I am nearly over the edge