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    Thread: "judging"

    1. #1
      PL456's Avatar
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      • "judging"
      Lets talk a minute about this term "judging" that has been slung all over the place for years and years as a way to throw off good common sense and to justify immoral behavior.

      A few quotes:
      Dont "judge" me if I want to:
      look at porn
      have extramarital sex
      do drugs
      speak profanely
      participate in homosexual activity
      jump off a bridge

      These are all I can think of right now, Im sure you can think of others. Its interesting to me that the person "doing" the behavior uses the term judging when their friends, family, or someone in society suggests that what they are doing is immoral and harmful.

      Think for a minute and look at that list. If someone came up to you and said, "man, i dont think its in your best interest to jump off that bridge" would yall call that "judging" or "advising"? Lets rephrase, "man, I dont think its in your best interest to have do drugs"...now that MUST be "judging", right? I can hear it now, DONT JUDGE ME. translated, that means, I WANT TO DO MYSELF IN, SO LEAVE ME ALONE.

      before you toss out the "judging" card, take just 10 seconds to think about what was said, it may be helpful and said out of love. we as humans do not judge, there is only one judge..God Himself. We only can witness and speak what the Bible says. when there is a conflict between behavior and the Bible, we are expected to call on that.

    2. #2
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: "judging"

      I catch myself judging sometimes and I hate it. I might see an indigent person and my first thought is negative towards them. That's plain wrong. Not only do I not know the person but I surely don't have the right to conclued what type of person they are. I am a lot better than I used to be but I still feel bad. It's funny becasue I get it too. I'm 5'10' and about 235 with a bald head. When I walk down the street women will usually cross to the other side. When I'm mountain biking a new trail and I stop to figure out where I am women joggers will usually go a different way than walk by me. When I hold a door for someone they look surprised. When I answer someone with a "yes mam" or "no sir" they look surprised. Most of us will formulate an opinion of someone before even gettting to know them. Not all of us, but most. To me that's judging.
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      Default Re: "judging"

      What your talking about T, is Pre-judging. Stems from the word " Prejudice". I think its in our nature to be prejudice, but still not right.To look at someone and judge them without knowing them or anything abut them. Its more prevalent in our culture than others.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: "judging"

      judging is not tellin someone that you disagree with their actions. judging is acting different towards people based on their actions. and it happens everyday. we as humans SHOULD not judge. but we all do

    5. #5
      Ryker77's Avatar
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      Default Re: "judging"

      I disagree. We should judge others. We should judge ourselves. American has such a sissy way of thinking. A mother kills her kids in the bath tub. But we should not "judge" her because she had mental problems.

      Well I judge her just as if I was the one that killed my kids in the bathtub.

      Parents don't want to "judge" there kids so they grow up as little punks. Still living at home. Party, drink, work a shitty job and repeat. Perhaps if there parents judge them and other people around them passed judgement on them. They just might grow up a be a productive adult.

      Judge, advice, correction, wisdom, teaching etc etc...

    6. #6
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      Default Re: "judging"

      I see what you're saying but I think you're using the wrong words. If a mother kills her child we are not to judge her. The courts are designed to do that. We are not to dicipline her, the legal system is designed to do that. But with children you should not judge them either, you should set boundaries and dicipline them when they show disregard for those boundaries. Man does not have the right to judge man. Atleast if your a Chritsian you believe that (I'm not questioning your faith here). But man does have the right to use the law to judge and punish man. Big difference.

      I agree with you on the fact that many parents dont want to dicipline their children and they do grow up to be disrespectful punks. That's because the liberals in this county have convinced society that parents need to befriend their children. This is total cliberal crap. God says we are given children as a gift and we are held accountable for them. He also says we must dicipline our children when they misbehave. It's the lack of dicipline that causes children to go bad in most cases. Go to a prision and interview lifers and ask them how many came from loving families with strict dicipline. They will all say "not me". I got that from a man who has been doing prision ministries for over 20 years. He has never once meet a lifer who came from a diciplined loving family. Never.
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      Default Re: "judging"

      It's human nature judge or prejudge others. It's one of our many flaws. The trick is to try and overcome that flaw. Whenever we find ourselves in that position we should instantly try to point that finger back at ouselves. None are perfect and although others may do things that we would never think of or things that we find to be extremely immoral, maybe we do things or at least have done things that they may find equally revolting.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: "judging"

      We all desire approval and acceptance from our friends and family.

      If a rapist knew that every single person in his life would disown him for the action of rape then he just might not commit that crime. However since we have this "don't judge" way of thinking. He commits the crime and then does the time. He is then taken back into society as if nothing happened. Other possible rapist see this and follow that.

      Look at the crime rate of other countries. You'll see come cold hard truth about judgement and its real effects.

    9. #9
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      when i look at judging its not in cases like you guys explained....rapists or teaching your kids etc... what i mean is judging a person based on one action.....wether its cause they do drugs or look at porn or whatever....things that i feel don't harm anyone except MAYBE themselves....a religous person might look at my porn "habit" or the fact that i used alot of drugs in my youth and judge me as a person based on those things.....thats what i say judging is...not what has been said and especially not just tellin someone what they are doing is wrong...PL came across like sayin your bein judged is just tryin to have an excuse for your actions when thhat is not the case

    10. #10
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      Default Re: "judging"

      Quote Originally Posted by Ryker77
      We all desire approval and acceptance from our friends and family.

      If a rapist knew that every single person in his life would disown him for the action of rape then he just might not commit that crime. However since we have this "don't judge" way of thinking. He commits the crime and then does the time. He is then taken back into society as if nothing happened. Other possible rapist see this and follow that.

      Look at the crime rate of other countries. You'll see come cold hard truth about judgement and its real effects.
      Most criminals who commit violent crimes don't care what other think. There are in a whole different place mentally. Most are proud of what they do, not ashamed. The reason why crime rates are so low in other countries is the punishment fits the crime. You steal something, you lose your hand, or life in some places. You rape, you have "R" branded into your head or your are killed. The porblem with American crime is not how we judge the criminal but how we punish them. 3 hot meals and a place to sleep for 5, 10, 20 years, or life. That's not punishment. The word punishment in latin means to deliver physical pain. 3 hot meals and a free place to sleep is not physical pain, it's room and board for criminal activity!?!?

      What we need to do is build one huge prison on Antartica for all "violent" criminals. Drop food and supplies in once a month and let them fend for themselves. This could be a wordwide effort. Every country drops their violent criminals there. No guards, just a huge prison with thousands of bunk beds, a kitchen and bathrooms. These people have already proven they are unfit for society so ban them from it.

      Now, that is a situation that would deter violent crime. I guarantee it!
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

    11. #11
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      Default Re: "judging"

      the main problem in this world, is too many assholes worrying about everything others do. deciding if it is right or wrong.WHO CARES! They dont have to do it!
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    12. #12
      PL456's Avatar
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      Default Re: "judging"

      thats amazing, pigmeat..the fact that you would call someone who cares about others and the way they conduct their lives a profane name. so, would Billy Graham, Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson and the likes fall into that category? amazing...

    13. #13
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      Default Re: "judging"

      If they try and push something in my face...then yes i would!
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    14. #14
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      Default Re: "judging"

      oh..ok..I see. i understand where you're coming from now.

    15. #15
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      I judge people every day.

      My friend confided in me she was cheating on her husband. I judged her to be a liar. and I don't want to be around liars, because if they lie to someone else (her husband), what's to keep her from lying to me?

      A guy starts up a conversation with me. He is unkept & his language skills are lacking. He may be a nice guy, but I judge that he & I have different values and pass on an invite from dinner with him.

      An old friend stops by for a visit. We haven't seen each other in years. After dinner we have some wine. She asks if she can light a joint. "You have some with you?" I ask. She says that's what brought her through my town. She says she is bringing a couple of pounds to a friend on the other side of the state. I judge that there is way too much pot in my house & ask her to hit the road. I judge that I don't want to be involved in her lifestyle.

      We are supposed to judge. If we don't, what tells us if someone is of the same moral & ethical character as we need to be around?

      Who ever said we shouldn't judge? It sure as heck isn't in the bible! It never says "Thou shalt not judge" like so many people like to misquote.

      It does say: The way you Judge is the way you will be Judged. I use it to keep me from going "tisk, tisk" to someone elses bad behavior, when I'm guilty of the same indescretions. It's a great way of keeping your house in order & from becoming a hypocrite.

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