Last night, I had to put my cat to sleep after 14 years. She was my best bud. I had her since she was a kitten.
Me and Amy (my future Mrs.) had a party last night, so I locked the cat in the back bedroom. I came up around 8:00 to let her out, and she was laying in the middle of the floor breathing heavy with vomit all around her. I got a wash cloth and started to clean her up, but she wasn't responding or anything. So I brought her to the veterinary hospital emergency room. The nurse asked how far she wants me to go. Do I have a price in mind I want her to work up to. Without thinking, I asked "If this was your kid, would you have a price in mind?"
By 11:30 at night, the nurse said my cat was stabilized, and I should go home and she would call me with news. So me and Amy left and went home. At 1:00am, the doc called and said she thinks my cat may have a blood clot, and she recommends a blood transfusion. I say, "Go for it." At 1:30am, she calls me back to tell me my cat arrested and they brought her back to life. But they are keeping her alive with breathing machines. What did I want them to do? I asked if she was suffering. The doc said she wasn't sure since my cat was unresponsive, but she was pretty certain she wasn't in pain. I made the decision to not keep her alive anymore. Hardest fucking thing I ever had to do. After 14 years, they're like a family member. Man, what a shitty day today.