Now the Dems are trying to sue Nader and get him off the ballot. What a bunch of pussies. If you cant get the vote on your own then you don't deserve it, you bunch of winny little bithces! Man, I've never seen a more pathetic bunch of people. First they invent this Electoral Vote thing and when it bites them in the ass (2000) they say it's not fair?!? Now they realize they probably wont win 2004 and they want Nader off the ballot to get more votes. They are taking away the Democracy that they say they support. This is the most un-American thing Ive ever seen. Taking the choice away from the American people is taking away their right to Democracy. I've never seen such poor losers in my life. If they really think they can win then they shouldn't care about Nader. Democrates remind me of the little boy who sucked at kickball so he would get mad and take the ball home so no one else could play either.