Well, I have been working out with this guy for several years. Real smart guy who has been going to school for nutrition, training, etc for the past 10 years. We recently started using less weights and using resistance bands and medicine balls, trying to shed off a few pounds. After about a month of doing this, and 12 pounds and a couple % less body fat, my wrists, left shoulder, and lower back started to hurt. He said something about testing out my ph because I could be acidic which would make it hard to burn fat and also messing with my joints. Yesterday I did the ph test in the morning and it turned out that my urine and saliva were both acidic. The optimal ph is 7.2-7.4 and I was at like 6.5 according to the ph strips. Anyone ever heard about this and if so, how the hell do I become more alkaline and less acidic?