so...if you were to die today, do you know where you are going?? today, IMO, so many ministers dance around the core and death. for that is the bottom line when trying to win people to Christ. for no one comes to the father except thru Me...says Jesus. Faith without works is dead. either you are FOR Jesus or you are AGAINST Jesus. as I said in my previous post, God sees all things in black and white. you may have faith..believe in God..know Jesus was His son...but faith without works is dead. Satan knows God...Satan can quote you verse for verse from the Bible..Satan is in church each and every Sunday.. Some things to consider:

Lets say you died tomorrow...and you are standing alone before God Almighty, with His legions of angels looking down on you--a pretty tough crowd. He says, "why should I allow you entry into Heaven?"
you say: "well, Im a good person, whose heart was changed when I came to know Christ"
He says: "child, how many strangers have you told about Me today? This week?"
you say:"but Lord, Ive tried to do good things"
He says: "How have you served me this week?" "What specifically have you done to promote my Kingdom this week?"
you say:"I go to church"
He says:"Tell me how you applied what you minister told you about Me this week"
you say: "uh...I cant really remember what we talked about in church"
He says:"Tell me what the 'Friends' episode was about this week..."
you say: words are hard to come by at this point.
He says: "How many times have you read My Word this week"
you say: "well, I have 3 Bibles on my shelf at home"
He says: " How much money have you given to My church this week?"
He says:"tell me how much money youve spent on gym dues and protein powders..or worse.."juice" this week."
you say: uh...uh..
He says:"how do you like the new mercedes youre riding around in?"
you say:uh..uh...
He says:" how many hours did you spend in the gym this week and how much time did you spend with those in lesser circumstances than you?"
He says: "have you been praying to me CONSTANTLY this week?"
you say: uh..uh...
He says: "would you say you have faith?"
you say:yes Lord
He says:"have you laid down everything and followed me?"
you say: uh..uh...
He says: "Sing me a gospel child"
you say: uh...uh...
He says:"Sing me a backstreet boys song..or an AC/DC song, my child"
you say:uh..uh....
He says: "How many of your enemies have you gone out of your way to be openly kind to? How many of your enemies have you silently cursed under your breath--remember, I hear everything.."
you say:uh...uh...
He says:"child, you may have faith, but you have shown no works done by your faith."
you say:uh...but, Lord, wait..
He says:"Im so sorry my child..I am deeply hurt to do this..but.."(you fill in the blank)

Things to consider..Are you sure you know where you are going if you were to die tomorrow? remember, we are like flowers that bloom up and are cut down, we are like a vapor that is here for an instant and then vanishes....It is far easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Think about it my friends.