I am getting sick and tired of having to wait for a piece of equipment because some goddamn kid is on it and, of course, doing it improperly. I know several people have complained but they wont do anything about it. Their rule is they can be as young as 12 years old to work out. BULLSHIT!!!! That is way too young. But the gym is owned and operated by the hospital and the administrator is an asshole. I'm thinking about going to see him tomorrow. The manager is a worthless piece of shit too. There can be ten fucking little kids in there fucking the place up and he just stands there and does nothing. Also, heaven forbid any of the employees offer to spot you. They are too busy standing around the front desk talking. They also have a 450 lb fat ***** working the front. NICE!!! I want to go somewhere else but the closest one is 30 miles away.