WELL............................ some time today we are changing the filter here at work. Yep you guessed it, FG falls under chatroom and they are blocking it! Untill I can fig out how to bypass it, I will not be on at work any more! MISS ME!!!!!!! In the mean time I wish all of you the best.... with sweet deams, lots of protein and frequent vistits from the juice fairy! Stay strong and happy growing!!!!

Jack = your a fluffy - you are a great friend my brother! Let me hold your dollar big man!

estan = remember...it takes a nut to know/help a nut!

GG = keep all them cat furs coming!

crank = your ok for a kanadian!

frigg = my blood brother...may the spirit of the wild be with you!

O2 = your a crazy dude!

JG = stay AWAY from your dogs!

bass = keep up the great work on the boards!

edvndr = your not a homo my friend!

pudgy and 3vandoo = freaks!

Gearedup = you are still missed my friend!