Why Zombies...

- Only attack humans, by humans I mean, LIVING ONE. There is theories that say that zombies want food so they must eat on living humans, how they know their fellow zombies are dead, they have a zombidar? Seriously, why they dont attack McDonald's or Taco Bell?

- Why dont you see Zombies attacking other Zombies? Is there a zombie fraternity, yes 28days or Resident Evil or whatever zombiesque movie, do you a fucking Zombie smashing another zombie, is there a zombie camaraderie, sheez I would like a zombie to smash another zombie "HEY that dude is my dinner!".

- Let's go back to the theory that they need to eat, their primary functions is to eat, gimme a fucking break we all know that the males zombies will try to hump the female zombies and these female zombies will have a headaches, sheez!

- Why zombies must look like the Bush's sisters after they are arrested for drugs?

- Also, zombies that are burried, how the fuck they got out of their tombs?
They dug themselves out? Yeah right, there is a grave digger zombie or what?
Also, deads that were incinarated, how the fuck they do zombie shits, their dust fly away and eat your brain by the inside.

to finish, I would like my father as a zombie, HEY DAD my car need a tune-up.