Alot of people have commented on my avatar..
Some say it's funny. Some find it disturbing. And others plain hate it..

So I figured I'd tell the story...

That's really a picture of me

You see, my mom was part of the German Womens Olympic powerlifting team. The German coaches freely gave these women AS to "aid" in their training.

My Mom got big into site injections... but back then didn't know alot about juicing (it was the 70's after all). Well, like most women she was very concious of her stomache and dicided to do some site injections in her abs..

Well, mom wasn't the smarest knife in the drawer and both didn't realize she was pregnant with me AND that a 2" pin was a little long for the ole abs..

So.. she kept doing her "site" injections.. and was actually getting big.. well, 1 big ab.. her coaches told her that she was making huge progress, but in fact it was just the fetus inside of her growing (she figured it was mostly water retention and swelling).

Anyway... by the time she realized she was pregnant. I'd been injected multiple times. The doc summerizes that I ended up taking multiple site injections. A few of which ended up being my facial muscles.

Unfortunately, the AS also ended up stunting my growth. So right now I stand at just under 2' tall. But man am I ripped!

Alas, I never ended up meeting my mother She died giving birth to me. Seems like all that AS was messing with my emotions. From what I understand, I got a little of the ole "Roid Rage" going on during the birthing process and sorta "Tore my way out"

Broke the docs jaw.. (fucker shouldn't have slapped me).

I also broke 4 peoples fingers. It's cute when a baby's tiny hand reaches up and curls around what appears to be your 1 massive finger.. Unless that baby happens to be all juiced up

I closing, I'd like to say that I think Kid Rock's little midget buddy sumed it up best when he said "I'm 2 feet tall with a 10 inch dick"