I had a hell of a day. I maybe more specific when my head clears.

Point is out of the 4 guys at the gym while my son was lifting with me 3 of them were carrying around a F*ckin' Magazine reading what their next sets were supposed to be and 2 of those guys keep coming up to my son(5'10" 260 at 16 yr old) and trying to tell him he was not preforming the right exercises and form according to their "book".
I started power lifting at 13yrs old and have been lifting for 25 yrs now and make damn sure my son is learning proper form and technic. I also throw in little bits of trueisms everytime we lift. Hes well schooled beleive me. He has 25 yrs of my screw ups to learn from.
I was finially starting to get really PO'ed. I guess my son saw that look in my eyes(OH yes--he knows it,lol) and stopped and told one of the guys about 5 yrs older "Thankyou, but we're trying to workout not socialize!" "And untill you get over a buck-fifty I'd keep how little you know to yourself!"

The boy is being taught well. Very serious.
At just 16 he squats 450 to the floor and just cleanly benched 250.
Now if he just would focus on school like that!