So, if any of you guys are like me, you have mixed feelings about Christmas. Why? Well because of those family get togethers! You know, where you see family you havent seen all year and sometimes youre not sure whether you should laugh or break down and cry at the things that happen there :p

Ok, here's the general idea of my family Christmas, hopefully some of you will share yours!

My typical family Christmas starts with everyone arriving at my grandma's place. My VERY European grandma, might I add, who's busy cooking enough perogies to feed both sides of World War 2.

My family will start to arrive while my drug-****** brother is busy sitting at the dinner table trying to teach all the little kids how to roll their first spliff.

About halfway through dinner is usually when my uncle, loaded out of his mind, gets up and starts dancing or something and knocks over the Christmas tree. This, by default, is the same uncle who has a breathalyzer installed in his car before he can even start it. can see why I'll probably never bring a significant other to my Christmas gatherings. :p I'll continue this later I have, ummm, something to tend to........

Share your stories!