Yesterday morning I got another degree.(Yeah bad grammar 322 got another one could you just imagine eh).

Anyway here what I noticed and did pissed me off.

- Gown are made for midget,
- YO! Undergrad, please could you dress with a shirt and a tie or a fucking suit when getting your Bac, I saw some jerks in jeans and in running shoes. Also a girl in Anthropology was dressed like an "native" when she's in fact far from it.
- People dont know their national anthem, oh yeah my university is composed by aliens, I forgot.
- Undegrad, dont shake the hand of the chancellor you moron, Grad student can, no you!
- When they put the hood on me, THE FUCKING THING IS WAYYYYYYYYYYY TOO SMALL, sheez fucking midget world.
- Dont get your diploma when chewing some gum like there is no tomorrow, you look like a cow and I was impressed you had an education
- I had a blast laughing at the faculty staffs dressed like clowns.
- Parents and friend when your son/daughter or friend is getting a diploma, please dress accordingly to the situation.(THAT INCLUDE YOU MUM AND YOUR UGLY JACKET).
- The chancellor is the twin of Jean Chrétien.

- Hey, the dude with so much chemical in their hair that I thought you were out of the 50's, that when the light glown on you, it blinds the fucking scene damn it
- Fuck you guys with Phd and were able to sit with the faculty, my turn is next fuckers! But the psychology Phd were NICE, hell nice women .

-Why were the 2003's MA convocation's age average was like 200 years old?

and finally:


thank you, come again!