Originally posted by blm9376
Hell yeah it worked. The coolest thing was, my father took me to fight this kid because he continuously fucked w/me because I had long hair and listened to heavy metal music. So my dad felt it was justified to stand my ground. I beat that kid fucking senseless, my dad had to pull me off of him. I was the proudest little boy ever that day.
Fukin' A!

My first fight was in the grade 2 classroom cloakroom. Dude was dissin me, I landed a punch to his chin. He retaliated with a roundhouse kick that totally missed but we both ended up on the floor. I was just going in for the submission move when I was suddenly lifted about 5 feet in the air by my shirt....busted!

Never really got into any big fights in HS. I was never the kind of guy to pick one, and everytime I said "OK, let's go" It never seemed to happen.