so damn emotional lately... either pissed off all the time, up to nothing... or i'd be freaking out about nothing... fellin really shitty over all... i hate this feeling.. sometimes it also feels like i'm on clomid... - when u get those girlie feelings... (i'm 3rd week on dbol/eq/enan)... and i'm tired all the time... i tried eating more or less (2000-4500 kal/day), sleeping more or less (6hrs-12hrs) nothing changed... vitamins and all that doesn't seem to do anything either... i'm too lazy to go to skool.. or work out.. or go to work. or even make me a dinner or somehitng.. it's been like this since sept. pretty much....
i found some lorazepam, and took half the tab tonight, but all it did is it made me sleepy...
and if i take ephedrine or caffeine to get me up, my whole body just trembles more, but nothing else changes...
i just hate when i'm halfway into a cycle and u feel so shitty it's starting to fk up ur daily routine..